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  1. Thanks. This worked out for me.
  2. I dont use DVDFAb at all so I have nothing to offer on that but you do have Shrink and that will create an ISO file you can burn with IMGburn .When you analyze the dvd with Shrink and you are ready to "BACKUP" then select " create ISO file " in Select Backup Target,it will make an ISO put it on the hard drive and then you can burn it with IMGburn . Burn the MDS file it has all the info for making the layer break right Thanks Polopony. I just tried your method and it worked!
  3. This is what I was looking for too! Only one question; Do I remove the layer break or not? I will use Imgburn to make a DL DVD.
  4. I do have dvdFab Gold 2.9 but how can I use it to create ISOs once I have ripped the DVDs to the hard drive in non-ISO mode?
  5. I've archived a lot Dual Layer DVDs on my hard drive over the last year using DvdFab to rip to the hard drive. I've been making shrunk versions of these files using DVDShrink and more recently DL DVDs using Shrink (because it can). I've experienced DL burning problems on some of the discs which I believe are related to layer change. Some DL copies are perfect while others do weird things if you try to access certain menu options, like audio format or chapter selections. I'd like to use ImgBurn to make DL discs from my archived hard drive files. Is this possible? If not any other suggestions? I'm tired of coasters. The files are in the form of DISC1 > VIDEO_TS > AUDIO_TS More recently I've used DVD Decrypter Ver then Imgburn to do some DL discs directly from the original DVD in ISO Read Iso Write mode and they work. Still not sure about the layer break setting (auto or user-set) Any suggestions would be great.
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