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Everything posted by goodiegood
alrighty... a new situation! i used my friends USB dvd-burner to burn 3 xbox 360-games AND 2 ps2-games 100% successfully! all games work and play superb. then it's got to be my pc AND/OOOR the SATA-ports that are screwing it up! here's what i did: - first i transferred 1 of the 360-games to my IDE HDD before i turned off the pc - i then unplugged both the SATA HDD and the SATA burner from their power + SATA-ports - once i entered windows, i plugged in the USB burner and burned 1x 360-game successfully - i then turned off my pc again, plugged in just the SATA HDD, booted to windows and burned the 2nd and 3rd 360-game (these games were on the SATA HDD) with the USB burner with 100% success! i didn't do any other installations nor reinstallation of any applications. i plugged in the USB burner and started to burn, and it worked. what on blazin hell is wrong?! perhaps if i switch SATA-ports for the burner? maybe it'll work then, perhaps? and yes, the "blocks" i mentioned earlier got SATA-ports on the side, which i didn't see until now... so perhaps i could plug the SATA dvd-burner into of those ports and try..? what you all reckon? it worked brilliantly with an USB dvd-burner, but once i used internal burners, it stops at random %..... ps: i used the Patin-couffin I/O when i burned the games with 100% success. what do you suggest me to do next?
i see... i fail to understand why this is giving such a hard time... i've just got an USB-burner on my hands. not sure which model yet, but i'll try out that burner and see how that one works out... now i understand what you meant. then probably they're not for removal then... will look into that asap. but do you reckon that an IDE version of the same burner (DVR-116D) would work better..? or?
i see... well, i am trying to remove those blocks that are "hiding" the SATA-ports so i can connect my burner to those ports instead... don't you reckon that could help, or..? but i don't know how to remove the blocks... well, i will try the AHCI and see how that works out. yep, looks like the chipset doesn't accept the burner... but how come that i could burn 1x 360-game without any issues and then it started to fail after that? i bought 2 drivers (1 for me, 1 for a colleague).. perhaps i should get same driver again, except that i take the one with IDE instead of SATA, or..? do you reckon that could help? if that doesn't do it, then i guess that i could go for a Samsung. i hear they're good for 360-games... EDIT: dontasciime: woah... that was a lot of things-to-try-out.. i didn't understand all of it, but yeah... i guess i could reinstall windows, then install the BIOS i already downloaded(?) and then i don't understand the CMOS-thingy... i know i do this in my BIOS, but you reinstall then set back up..?? not sure on that one, mr. i do have Windows installed on an IDE HDD already. should i try just disconnecting the SATA HDD and then give the burning a try, maybe? i also don't know how to check for jumpers on SATA HDD's...where do i find this? i know on IDE it's on back of the disc, but i don't know on SATA discs... so you don't reckon that the IDE version of the burner could do the trick..?
darn it... i am about to give up on this shit now.. it MUST be the SATA-port that is screwing up the whole thing. i tried a NEW bought burner, same model, and it still didn't work! it stopped again! this time at 6%.......... also, i doubt that i've connected the burner to the correct port... just take a look at this screenshot, which is from my bootup sequence: http://bildr.no/view/408429 as you can on that picture, IDE Channel 2 Master is my burner while IDE channel 3 Master is my SATA HDD (Seagate 1.5TB). IDE channel 0 Master is my IDE boot-up HDD (where my Windows is installed on).. perhaps i've done the connections wrong, huh? also.. as you can see from the below picture, i've got a couple of SATA-ports where i can plug the burner to... however, i don't know how to open the "blockers" that are covering the other SATA-ports.... it doesn't say anything about that in the manual either.. got any tips on that? perhaps i could try to plug the burner into another SATA-port..? i've got the SATA-HDD and the burner plugged into the SATA-ports labeled with "1".. the HDD works just brilliant, the burner, as we already know, doesn't. the one's labeled with "2", i cannot access because i don't know how to remove those blocks, sadly. here's the pic: http://bildr.no/view/408441 so.. any pointers now then, huh?
i see.. yeah. i mentioned that before amongst my posts. heh. they're from singapore, which should be oky.
yeah... i'll try the driver in my friends monster pc... if it doesn't wor there, then it's the driver that's defect, mhm? do you think that the discs can be defect as well, or..? sadly i don't have any other discs than Verbatim DVD+R DL's...
ok.. i tried both. ElbyCDIO didn't work at all. i installed Patin-couffin and tried burning with that, and to my surprise, it managed to successfully burn a 360-game! however, i wanted to burn another game now, this time it stopped at 79%.... you reckon it's the driver that's defect, or? i've even tried switching DL discs (i've got 2 cakeboxes), and even that didn't help.. so then i guess it is the burner itself, huh?
good grief... advanced post... so... i would need to download/get Virtual CloneDrive in order to get ElbyCDIO, or? and what do i need the patin-couffin for..? must i download VSO Software as well and install it in order to get Patin-Couffin? care to explain this a bit more detailed? i am a bit noobie when it comes to these kind of things, so yeah... please do so if you can, thanks.
I/O interfaces? how do install these?
fakkkkk! i didn't work. it's probably the burner that's defect then... either that or the DL discs are defect, although i've got singaporean Verbatim DVD+R DL discs... it stopped again. this time at 85%... what do i do now?
ok. will try to burn another copy with another verbatim DL disc and see how it goes this time. but that i must do when i wake up. its 4am now. zzz time. will come back with a reply on this then.
well... the burner is connected to a SATA-port that says 'SATA2_0'...
how/where do i see that..?
alrighty... i went through all the above mentioned things, and here's what i've done for now: - updated BIOS with @BIOS-program to the one's that i was linked to - i switched out the old SATA connector cable (the one that goes to the burner) with a new one, but i DID NOT switch SATA-ports yet! - i went into the BIOS and checked for the AHCI.. it was set to 'NATIVE IDE' while the 2 other options were 'RAID' and 'AHCI' - so i didn't bother to touch that... is it ok? - i reinstalled ImgBurn (newest version downloaded from imgburn.com) and checked that no other burning apps were installed... - i burned a ps1 game successfully by using a verbatim cd-r at 4x speed with imgburn. no probs there. it stayed at 3.9~4x speed all the time. here's the latest hardware scan: http://www.elgen.net/Hardware.html do you got other pointers or should i try giving the xbox360 burn another try, huh?
ah. thanks for those suggestions. i'll try installing that driver you suggested and then i will try and look for those ahci/enhanced ide modes in my bios and turn them off. sadly, i don't own another pc that i could try it on.. there's another thing i could try... i am quite sure that when i got my SATA HDD (Seagate), after few weeks, it started to act quite so weird and disfunctional. i switched the SATA HDD (at that time i had 2x IDE HDD's and 1x SATA HDD) to a different SATA-port on my motherboard AND i changed the SATA-connector cable with a new cable and after that, it worked brilliantly. this was on my old PC. i bought a new pc about a month ago. the HDD still works goodiegood now with the same SATA connector cable, BUT THE PROBLEM i guess is that i've got 3-4 SATA-ports on this motherboard.. i've probably used the wrong SATA-port for the burner AND/OR i've used the sort of defect SATA connector cable... so i will try and change both the port + connector cable after i've done the steps you've mentioned. do you reckon that could be an issue, perhaps?
no, i didn't. i am not sure where to look for that in SIW... i posted a picture above.. where do i find the controller? not really sure about the chipset, but the motherboard is GA-MA790X-UD4. here you can view my full hardware list: http://www.elgen.net/Hardware.html hope that can give you the info you need.
i see... well.. ok.. i ran the check for all my discs/drives, but it didn't find any errors from what i could see... the only thing i can do now, is to change the SATA-cable that's connected to my burner and to the SATA-port, and maybe even change the port. do you reckon that i should change the AHCI mode to emulated IDE if it's on AUTO? any other things i could try out before i try burning again, perhaps?
what you mean? where is this box that i have to tick/enable for scanning the harddrives? i will first try to figure out the stuff before i try burning again... i don't want to waste more DL discs... =/ where do i find the SATA controller? am i in the correct location here?: http://bildr.no/view/406605
no one who knows..?
yep, i updated it right after i installed/plugged the burner. Sounds as your drivers are reporting something odd. I have the same burner but no such speed on my Verbatims. Can you post a log from one of those less good burns? hmm... i see... so... do you reckon it can be something wrong with my discs or the burner itself? unfortunately, i've got no logs from my less good burns.. hmm.. not sure how i update the sata controller. the sata controller where i connected the burner to hasn't been in use before. the burner is the ports first hardware. how do i update just that sata controller then...? also, i tried burning some other console games (ps2 and ps1) with regular dvd-r's and cd-r's (all discs from verbatim) by using dvd decrypt. that went all good, actually. but then i tried burning the same ps2 game on another verbatim dvd-r disc with imgburn... it stopped at 1%...... so, i went through my entire computer, uninstalled ALL image burning programs (apparently i had a few installed), all virtual driver programs and ran ccleaner to clean out some registry stuff before i rebooted the pc. now i have just re-installed imgburn downloaded from main site. EDIT: ok... so i just tried to burn another ps2 game using a dvd-r (verbatim) after i've removed all the other burning applications, and wohooo! NOW it managed to burn the game! i left the burning speed on 'automatic (AWS)'. it burned the ps2 game successfully on 11x speed. perhaps i could give a try with another DL disc now? EDIT2: riiight... so i started to burn a xbox 360 game yet again (following all the stealth patching instructions etc), chose the .dvd-file and then hit the burn button. it started to burn. it worked pretty well until 66%, which is when it stopped working again........... i don't get this.... it just won't handle DL discs, huh? now i am getting even more frustrated... 3rd DL disc that goes down the drain.................... "/%#&"/%&/!
i dont understand this.. i have now wasted 3 DVD+R DL discs just to try burning 1 single game.. each time it has just stopped. first it didn't bother to start burning at all. it didn't go past 0%. the second time it stopped on 22%. the third time it stopped at 27%... the 'time elapsed' counter keeps on counting the seconds and minutes, but the % doesn't move at all. i've tried writing at 2.4x speed the first 2 times, then on 3x speed the last time. it just stops burning. i cannot even eject the dvd-rom now... it's locked. that happens every time i try burning. i must reboot the pc before i can eject.... i fail to understand what's the big deal... why cannot it just work? some useful info: - the burner, pioneer dvr-216d, is brand new. bought it today - i use the .dvd-file when i choose the file i want to burn - i am currently on a windows xp pro sp3 - no anti-virus running - using the .dvd-file when i start burning - my dvd+r dl are by verbatim - i've got a amd phenom2 x720 cpu with 3.5gb ddr2 ram - i am using the newest imgburn downloaded from this site - i have tried burning at both 2.4x and 3x speed what i haven't tried doing yet, is to burn a regular dvd+r and see how that goes... perhaps the entire dvd-burner is defect, huh? if so, then that sucks... would have to get a refund etc.. gee... any other suggestions, perhaps?