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Everything posted by Lordkiwi

  1. I have a solution for you, use winrar to uncompress the iso image to a folder then use the build ISO feature in IMGburn to create a new ISO. This will prompt you to choose a valid layer break position.
  2. I changed the subject because I think my original topic, completely distorts the goal of my request. What I was requesting was a feature for imgburn that would allow the user to specify a command (batch file) that can be run when a burn successes, Fails or when the Queue is complete. Janirva for example can use the batch to send an email each time a burn is done. Like this There is a free command line email program called febootimail http://www.febooti.com/products/command-li...ips-tricks.html You can create a simple batch file BurnSuccess.bat ----------------------------------------------- febootimail -SMTP smtp.server.com -PORT 25 -TO "Your name here <Youremail@yourdomain.com>" -FROM Youremail@yourdomain.com -FROMNAME "Your name" -TEXT "Your Burn Was Successful Come Change the disk" -SUBJ "Your Burn Was Successful Come Change the disk" ----------------------------------------------- You can also send a text message to your phone by sending an email in the format your telephone number @ provider #########@tmomail.com For Tmobile See a full list here http://technotarget.com/how-to-send-email-messages-to-phone/ Sprint PCS (now Sprint Nextel) [10-digit phone number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com Example: 2125552555@messaging.sprintpcs.com Alltel [10-digit phone number]@message.alltel.com Example: 2125552555@message.alltel.co Boost Mobile [10-digit phone number]@myboostmobile.com Example: 2125552555@myboostmobile.com Virgin Mobile USA [10-digit phone number]@vmobl.com Example: 5552555555@vmobl.com AT&T Wireless (now part of Cingular) [10-digit phone number]@mmode.com Example: 2125552555@mmode.com Cingular [10-digit phone number]@mobile.mycingular.com OR [10-digit number]@cingularme.com Example: 4152555555@cingularme.com Nextel (now part of Sprint Nextel) [10-digit telephone number]@messaging.nextel.com Example: 7035552555@messaging.nextel.com
  3. While the return codes are very usefull and could be used to offer simular functionality, I scenceerly believe that feature to be able to issue a CLI command after certan operations complete offer better value for the less then script savey users. Perhaps if some other users post there opinions on this feature request Lightning UK might take it on. I know I am not the only one who thinks that the ability to issue a command line when Imgburn begins a Queue, Burn Success and Burn Fail, and finish Queue, usefull. Other users might wish to use a command line text message program to send a text message to there phone or email that a burn or queue job is done. Don't get me wrong Mmalves, having the ability to access the errorlevels is very usefull for batch programing. But Imgburn already has a great Queue system wich is more accessable to more users.
  4. While the return codes are very usefull and could be used to offer simular functionality, I scenceerly believe that feature to be able to issue a CLI command after certan operations complete offer better value for the less then script savey users.
  5. I would like to request support for Older Serial Robot changers. To support these units, Image burn would need be able to run a command line at the conclusing of a successful, and failed burn. it would then be posible for the user to use a program such as "universal loader cli" http://hyperdiscs.pbworks.com/The+Universa...I)+project+page. To issue the command to the Robot Changers to store disk. discard disk, load disk, etc. Thanks for your concideration.
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