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Everything posted by Samson

  1. Well I tested the disc and it was far more successful than simply burning layer0 to a single disc. Menus displayed corrected and the erratic player behavior ceased. However, there was another anomaly that was a little confusing. The player was recognising the number of chapter points, but jumping/skipping to anyone of them restarted the feature. I have triple checked my script but cannot find any errors in comparison to previous projects. I have remuxed the entire project and am currently burning a second test disc. Fingers crossed this one works! Back on topic though, the layer splits were originally 73% and 45% for L0 and L1 and the burn patter on the disc suggested this. I have set the layer break point for this burn so that L0 is almost to capacity. An increase in the burn area size will suggest ImgBurn is indeed splitting the layers the way I am specifying! Personally I think its doing a very good job. The errors I am seeing are likely to have originated from my disc project. Fingers crossed I get some sort of consistency from here on out, cause I have a few BD-50 jobs coming up! Cheers, Samson
  2. Thanks for the replies. Yeah Layer Breaks are no longer an issue from a playback perspective. Everything in a bluray player is buffered, the downside of which is sluggish playback. But that is forgivable when you think about the amount of information the thing has to shuffle around. My BD-RE DLs arrived ahead of schedule and I set off a burn. I created an MDS file but the logs don't seem to indicate a specific switch in the layers during burning. I'll test the disc in a player in the morning and let you know my results. Burning LAYER0 of the project to a BD-RE had intresting results... so if this disc exibits none of those I think we can call it a sucess inspite of the layer break ambiguity. Cheers, Samson
  3. ImageBurn allows you to create an MDS file manually which has been great for burning Dual Layer DVD's as you can double check the Layer Break and/or set the correct one. But in the Bluray relm things are a bit different. My Authoring program can produce BD-RE master files for each layer or create a single file. When you output a single file it generates a Layer1LSNInfo.txt file: --- Information of Disc Image File (8/4/2009 2:39:27 PM)--- Start LSN on Layer1: 8667392(0x844100) As far as I am aware you cannot specify each layer to ImageBurn and have it burn a DL disc. So the only way would be to specify a Layer Break using an MDS file and burn it that way. However, ImageBurn only caters for DVD at this point... so the MEDIA TYPE settings and Path Type (PTP/OTP) don't make a lot of sense. Which brings the question, how does Blurays Path Type work, is OTP considered the norm these days? Until my BD-RE DL's arrive I am stabbing in the dark and potentially creating expensive coasters. If anyone can shed some more light on how to correctly burn Authored Dual Layer Discs with a specific layer break that would be much appreciated. Cheers, Samson
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