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Everything posted by Clavius

  1. How comes the six install-files from the six download-mirrors have different filesizes? Mirror 1 SetupImgBurn_2.0.0.0.exe 1.096.598 Mirror 2 SetupImgBurn_2.0.0.0.exe 1.095.775 Mirror 3 SetupImgBurn_2.0.0.0.exe 1.095.775 Mirror 4 SetupImgBurn_2.0.0.0.exe 1.096.598 Mirror 5 SetupImgBurn_2.0.0.0.exe 1.096.300 Mirror 6 SetupImgBurn_2.0.0.0.exe 1.096.300 Clavius
  2. Do you mean next release of ImgBurn or of DVDInfoPro? I didn't know that. But if the Buffer-Percentage-Graph hopefully is going to work in the future, I will at least have some information about the buffer. That would be nice! :-) FWIW: I have this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SWN\DvdInfo But not: Installation Directory Clavius
  3. 1) Upgraded to V4.610 last week or so. Still the same. But it doesn't bother me anymore, because I just doubleklick on the auto-saved ibg-file. :-) 2) That's sad! I like to have BURN-Proof-free burns. Of course I could disable BURN-Proof in the settings, but since I do a lot burns with pricey DVD+R DL Media, I don't dare to do so! ;-) 3) Speaking of DVDInfoPro V4.610, a new question arises: I can't see the CPU- and Buffer-percentages in the Graph!? I figured out that since using ImgBurn, every time I do a burn I get a "Perfnet"-Error in eventviewer. Anybody any clue what's going on? Clavi
  4. Hi, sorry for replying so late, but I couldn't find the time. I deffinatley don't have have this key/value in my registry! The "Auto Export Graph Data"-Function mentioned by someone above was what I was looking for! :-) One additional question: I just had some Buffer-Underruns in one burn and can't find anything about it in the log file (I just saw the Buffer running empty several times during the burn). Is this intentional? I would love to have a log file entry like in Plextools (something like "BurnProof occurred X times during the burn") (I have a Plextor 716A) Thanks Clavi
  5. Hi, I have to questions: 1. Every time I try to use "Display Graph Data Using DVDInfoPro...", ImgBurn keeps telling me, that it tried hard to find DVDInfoPro, but had no success. (Maybe this is because I have no English version of Windows!?). Of course I then tell it, where it is located, but why does it not remember it? 2. Today I tried checking the shut-down-option. In the settings I specified "Standby" as Shutdown Action. I did _not_ check the close-program-option, since I wanted to view and export the Graph-Data. Unfortunately, after awaking my computer from standby, ImgBurn was no longer running, and the Graph-Data was lost. Is this Intended? Is there a workaround? Greets Clavius
  6. I see! Thanks a lot again! Clavius Btw: I love your program(s) for a long time now! Thank you for your fantastic work!!!
  7. I understand. Thank you very much for explaining! So, is there no way to create some kind of a checksum, in order to be able to verify the consistency of the data after some time when the ISO is no longer present on the Harddrive? Clavius
  8. Hi, I just ripped a DL-DVD to an ISO/MDS and burned it back to a Verbatim DVD+R DL using ImBurn on a Plextor 716A. Then I ripped the fresh Burn to an ISO/MDS and compared these files to the original ISO/MDS expecting them to be identical. The ISO from the Burn was a few Kb larger than the original ISO, but identical to this point. (Also mounted both ISOs wit DAEMON-Tools and compared again. Absolute identical (including the file sizes)) The two MDS had the same size but 3 differences in them. So my questions are: 1. Why the different sizes of the ISOs 2. Why the differences in the MDSs 3. Is there a specification of the MDS-Format, so maybe I can understand the differences in them. Thanks in advance Clavius (EDIT: The Idea was to make a CRC-checksum of the ISO for future use.)
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