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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Awesome! Hadn't realized that. Thank you!!
  2. At the risk of annoying the providers of this program (since I know other people have suggested it), I wanted to put in another vote for enabling multi-sessions. Yes, most of the time they are not necessary, but sometimes they are necessary. For example, a company that I work for wants to write our disks in a WORM-complient way (write-once-read-many) for various compliance reasons, and can't erase and rewrite the backup disks for this reason. We have incremental database backups that we want to write each day, so a multi-session disc is the only way to go, aside from having a new disc for each day. I was implementing command-line burning at the office and almost used ImgBurn until I realized that it didn't have this feature. So now we're going to use Nero . Anyway, you don't have to implement it if you don't want to, I just think the program would be more popular if you did. Thanks for all your work!
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