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    Roseville, CA

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Alas, that didn't work for me. The hunt continues... Thank you for the info. Scott.
  2. Greetings. I noticed (via your forum) that you guys have some experience with SPTI and its behavior with admin vs. non-admin users on Windows Vista/7. I am a software developer for Pasco scientific, and our company has a SCSI-based data collection product that we talk to via SPTI. We are now getting customer complaints indicating that they cannot connect to our device on Windows Vista/7 unless they are running as an administrator. I've tried fiddling with the security policies as described in your support forum, but it didn't help. I assume it didn't work because our device is not a CDROM-type device. I did notice, however, that your forum did mention an "Enable SPTI access for All Users" option in your installer. I was just wondering how you implemented the aforementioned option so that our customers could also experience the joy of non-admin SCSI access. Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Scott Wild wild@pasco.com
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