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Everything posted by magic144

  1. thanks for the help and advice guys
  2. cheers Les any idea if these are the 001's? blankmedia.ca link the blurb claims they're 2.4x (but then goes on to give some spiel about how they can be burnt AS FAST AS 8x) (I've sent them a quick email to query the media ID too) if they're the 001's, I'll give 'em a go... they seem to have plenty in stock, and this is where I get my Taiyo Yuden single-layer +R's (T02) thanks
  3. true enough Les although I can't help but feel that since I get flawless burns with the same media on my H10N, that this is something to do with the firmware/write-strategy employed for this media in the H31N drive... I guess I'll just have to stick to the H10N for this media until it's gone ! btw, any idea on whether the MKM-003's are as good?? I've seen some Verbatim DLs on the blankmedia.ca website, but it doesn't quote the media ID and I'm not sure just how many flavours of Verbatim DLs exist and what they're all like :-)
  4. Nope, spoke too soon 2 subsequent coasters. This drive just doesn't like/play-nicely-with these discs. Poor.
  5. Hmm, it actually seemed to burn without a hitch this time dunno if that's to do with B110 f/w upgrade or just blind luck anyway, here's the log: as you can see, it wrote at 4x regardless of specifying 2.4x (since the drive only reports that it supports 4x, that doesn't surprise me - regardless of what the firmware says in MCSE) well, let's see how long this success lasts... cheers for your responses to date all I 09:59:55 Operation Started! I 09:59:55 Source File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==- I 09:59:55 Source File Sectors: 3,514,032 (MODE1/2048) I 09:59:55 Source File Size: 7,196,737,536 bytes I 09:59:55 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD_VIDEO I 09:59:55 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.3.2.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER! I 09:59:55 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 09:59:55 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 09:59:55 Destination Device: [1:2:0] HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H31N B110 (G:) (ATAPI) I 09:59:55 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 4x) I 09:59:55 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 09:59:55 Write Mode: DVD I 09:59:55 Write Type: DAO I 09:59:55 Write Speed: 2.4x I 09:59:55 Link Size: Auto I 09:59:55 Test Mode: No I 09:59:55 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 09:59:55 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,938,320 I 09:59:55 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: IFO Cell Boundary I 09:59:55 Filling Buffer... (40 MB) I 09:59:56 Writing LeadIn... I 10:00:22 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 3514031) I 10:00:22 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1938319) I 10:12:53 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1938320 - 3514031) I 10:22:45 Synchronising Cache... I 10:23:10 Closing Track... I 10:23:46 Finalising Disc... I 10:26:10 Image MD5: ef32ea58f2b3f4e019c4500f5c2717a0 I 10:26:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:26:15 I 10:26:10 Average Write Rate: 5,237 KB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,584 KB/s (4.0x) I 10:26:10 Operation Started! I 10:26:10 Source Device: [1:2:0] HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H31N B110 (G:) (ATAPI) I 10:26:10 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Book Type: DVD-ROM) (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 4x) I 10:26:10 Image File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==- I 10:26:10 Image File Sectors: 3,514,032 (MODE1/2048) I 10:26:10 Image File Size: 7,196,737,536 bytes I 10:26:10 Image File Volume Identifier: DVD_VIDEO I 10:26:10 Image File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.3.2.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER! I 10:26:10 Image File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 10:26:10 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 10:26:10 Verifying Sectors... (LBA: 0 - 3514031) I 10:26:10 Verifying Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1938319) I 10:34:40 Verifying Layer 1... (LBA: 1938320 - 3514031) I 10:40:57 Device MD5: ef32ea58f2b3f4e019c4500f5c2717a0 I 10:40:57 Image MD5: ef32ea58f2b3f4e019c4500f5c2717a0 I 10:40:57 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:14:47 I 10:40:57 Average Verify Rate: 7,923 KB/s (5.7x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 11,030 KB/s (8.0x)
  6. I got EXACTLY the same results with 109 - going back would achieve no improvement/difference, so it's not an option worth pursuing my question is about the perceived difference between what ImgBurn is telling me, and what MCSE is telling me... what's the reason??!! can someone comment on what I see as this disparity? m
  7. alrighty here's the mcse screencap of b110's .bin file, showing 2.4x and 4x and here's imgburn's view of the disc on my machine with the H10N (only shows 2.4x support) and here's the way imgburn sees things on my other machine with the H31N (only shows 4x support) thoughts?? m
  8. thanks volvo, I kind of understand that it is the drive that is telling ImgBurn what it supports but doesn't the fact the MCSE shows both 2.4x AND 4x as supported write speeds for that ID IN THE FIRMWARE mean that the drive should be reporting BOTH when asked, or am I missing something??? I will look for Verbatim DLs in future, but I've got a batch of these Fujifilm's to get through for now!!! They work just fine on my H10N - it's just this dang H31N that's giving me the grief... cheers, m
  9. Hi, I use ImgBurn for DVD+R DL burning since it is about the only tool I've found that lets you set the break-point with some assurance :-) The problem I'm having is that I have a new PC (DELL) with an LG-H31N SATA DVD burner. The latest firmware (B110) - and the last for that matter, B109 - both show in Media Code Speed Edit that the DL discs I am using (shows up in ImgBurn with Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01 , listed in Media Code Speed Edit as Ritek D01 - Rev is Blank) supports (or should support) Write Speeds of 2.4x and 4x. The discs are actually labelled Fujifilm However, in ImgBurn, this disc only lists supported write speed of 4x (and consequently ImgBurn always attempts to burn at 4x which so far has always failed). I can burn the same discs without error on my H10N at 2.4x in ImgBurn with no problems. Strangely, ImgBurn with the same media on my H10N ONLY lists 2.4x under "supported write speeds" and NOT 4x!!! Is there a reason why MCSE would show 2.4x AND 4x from the firmware's own .bin file, but ImgBurn would only list 4x (or ONLY 2.4x on my H10N)??? If I double-click in MCSE on the Ritek-D01 Disc ID, the only option I get is to swap another media-code's to replace it, but surely these "write strategies" are very specific to media types, are they not? (i.e. if I choose another ID with only 2.4x listed would that work??, and how would I make such a choice?) cheers in advance for answers or other suggestions, m
  10. you must shop somewhere with knowledgable employees!!! I'm sure I would just get a lot of blank stares - even at a half-decent electronics outfit :-)
  11. well how does Nero know what to do, if you say that you want the default Book-Type setting to be DVD-ROM - does it depend on the writer? does it apply a change every time it attempts to write? anyway, I was just wondering if (how) feasible it was - I can definitely do it manually when ImgBurn is such good value! m btw, almost exclusively DVD+R, though I've heard the Taiyo Yuden DVD-R line might be optimum - so no bitsetting there if I stray in future...
  12. cheers for that I've already stumbled across that utility but I was wondering if it couldn't be incorporated into ImgBurn another problem with that route (not a big issue) is that Standby would revoke the setting, so you'd have to reset the bitsetting manually after that anyhoo - just wondering - is this issue specific to LG drives then? I presume on some drives you can actually do a permanent bitsetting it would just be a "nice to have" since Nero does this - that's what I meant
  13. Lightning - is there a way to get ImgBurn to force DVD-ROM bitsetting all the time (like you can with the persistent drive settings in Nero) - I've noticed that every power or standby cycle, the DVD drive loses its setting and you have to manually reset the bitsetting thru ImgBurn again...
  14. hmm, burnt another Ricoh this AM and the eject cycle worked fine of course, the CD-DVD Speed Test graph has a nasty read-speed dropout near the beginning of the disc when I read it on my NEC6500A this media must be krap ++EDIT++ Aug13 burnt quite a few more Ricohs since last time some with Nero, some with ImgBurn all LG burns at 4x seem to have perfectly fine read graphs on NEC - there's obviously an incompatibility between the H10N's 8-12x write strategies and these discs also, had another eject cycle failure 2nite - think I'll just skip the eject cycle in future to save the fuss
  15. sure, the JJ11 is supposedly from Hitachi and the JL11 is supposedly from LG but I don't know how 'official' either of them is - because they're not available for download from the manufacturers' websites - and since there is supposedly no utility for reading the existing firmware off an LG drive, I don't know how they could have been sourced, except perhaps as some sort of "betas" from the manufacturers themselves... (out of a side/back door in the lab somewhere !)
  16. hmm, the more I think about it, JL11 hasn't actually been released by LG, so I wonder where it comes from... perhaps I should stick to using my 4167B for burning until the H10N gets its first official LG update (I think we're up to fw DL13 on that one..., so some of the media strategies should have been ironed out by now!!!)
  17. thanks lightning I'll keep you posted here over the next few weeks as to the repeatability of the eject error - so far it's 3 for 3 with the Ricoh discs and 0 for 1 with my TY if it looks like it's going to happen every time, I might just switch to the JJ11 FW and let you know the outcome - I figured the JL11 would be more 'compatible' given that it's from LG and not Hitachi or from whatever JJ11 is sourced - go figure!
  18. well thanks for all you help guys - I guess I can always just defeat the drive eject cycle if it's a persistant nuisance I think disc verification (on 2 drives, LG & NEC to ensure compatibility) now takes longer than disc preparation! My NEC6500A is one picky bugger at reading, that I can tell you... I guess I'll just keep burning away and see what comes out best I've just bought 200 Yuden YUDEN000T02 +R discs, which I had been led to believe were supposed to be top quality - maybe I'll switch to -R later, but I've used +R since year 'dot' and not had any issues until recently with this cheaper Memorex media not being readable on another drive one final question though - I can bitset a +R disc to be 'DVD-ROM' (in fact, the H10N auto-bitsets it that way), but I don't believe you can bitset '-R' media - are there any compatibility issues with using '-R' in a standalone player, or was that only ever an issue with +R (hence the need for bitsetting on +R)??
  19. thanks again lightning it sounds to me like you're saying that it will be random as to whether or not the drive intialises correctly with one of these burnt discs I'm confused though as to why whenever I try and manually cycle the tray, the disc ALWAYS comes up OK in windows is the OS doing something different than what Imgburn does when it cycles the tray itself??
  20. thanks so much for the quick response! interesting drive eject/reload seems to work OK with YUDEN000-T02-00 it seems weird though - I mean the drive can obviously initialise the Ricoh disc (it works the 2nd time, and it works outside of ImgBurn...) I wonder if it's a speed thing - it does seem to eject/reload very quickly in succession - is there a way to delay the initialisation attempt? by the way, what is the purpose of ejecting the disc at all in between write and verify? what would be lost by not ejecting?? I had a quick look at the Drives & Media pages you mentioned - I don't know if I'm misinterpreting, but the graphs for the Ricoh R03-04's looked to have less errors for all the burners than the Yuden 000-T03's - and I've been told Yuden are the 'cream of the crop'... (Ricohs are supposed to be a 2nd-best option, so I've read here: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm)
  21. Hi there, I'm a brand new ImgBurn user (I have used DVDDecrypter in the past, but not the writing interface) The trouble I'm having right now is that for some reason, even though there's been a perfectly successful burn, the tray opens and closes and the device never becomes ready again ("Logical Unit not ready, Cause not reportable")... UNTIL I manually cycle the tray myself once more I'm using an LG-H10N with the latest JL11 firmware (rpc1 mod by tdb) - the media is RICOHJPN R03 (004) Any notions as to why this should be - btw, the disc goes on to be verified perfectly OK afterwards In the meantime, I'll try disabling the cycle-tray option and see if it can automatically perform the verify after the write without this human intervention
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