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Everything posted by adudenamedjoe13

  1. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! I now know how to use ImgBurn but i've figured out what's wrong with the discs burn. I've been trying to burn .iso files to dvds and play them on xbox/dvd player and I need to burn the VOB, IFU, and BUP files to the disc. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW ABOUT SOME FREE/CHEAP converting programs that will convert the avi/mpeg files to VOB, IFU, and BUP files so i can burn them onto the blank discs. PLEASEEEEEEEEE
  2. so when im burning it do i need the vob ifo and bup files AND the iso file? or just those three? and do you know of any good free authoring programs?
  3. so what is the point of imgburn making a file into an iso file? i dont get it? and are there any FREE files that you recommend to do that? and also in the guide how it shows you how to burn a single layer dvd disc but in the two folders that have
  4. Ok I'm new at ImgBurn and I've heard it's a really good program but its just somewhat complicating to me. I understand that yuo have to convert the avi, mpeg, etc. file to a certain format to make a movie. So i've used "Creat image from files/folders" and it gives me two types of files, the big .iso, which is around the same size as the previous file just new format, and a .mds file, which is extremely small, probably around 15kbs or so. Now i've looked at the guide and it shows that you build the file, but in the guide it shows two folders that have a total of 23 files. Now is that to have different chapters or what? I only have one massive .avi file converted to the one massive .iso file. And when i try to burn the .iso file to the dvd I think its just burning it as data . I know its not my disc drive or discs because i've used other trial software and made a movie but I want to use ImgBurn because you have more control over how the movie is made. Can anyone help me figure out if i'm building it properly and/or burning it properly?
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