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Everything posted by CLninja

  1. I love this app, as I love to sandbox allot of OS's this is great at pulling the ISO, and burring it. This is the only program I use to do what it does, unfortunately sometimes I have a need to create install disc, live disc & or USB, even unattended install disc, and have to search through what if have been able to get down to a small library of possible programs depending on different factors, OS of the image, or OS I want to run the disc on/in, what features I will want to use, and so on. How awesome it would it be if I could do this with ImgBurn? I could choose this for every use I have. I think this idea would make this the defacto program for all users to pick. Adding another menu with these tools and builders or maybe a interfaced second program that this would pipe into and give the ability to create these kinds of discs. With the exception of the many different possible ISO's that exist, the creator would only need a the few choices in making the disc, (disc/USB/live/install/unattended) which I think pretty much covers all that can be done with a ISO (excluding editing the ISO of course). Again this is just a thought, but it would be sweet. Thank You
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