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  1. But it is Windows, so you never know <g>. The issue does not happen on WinXP using the same hardware. I tested on a multibooting PC. The only other change I had made was to reduce the vertical and horizontal icon spacing to 37 from default 43 on both Win7 and Win XP. Rebooting Win 7 did not make any difference. Just checked my laptop and the issue is present in Win 7 but not Win XP; again it's multibooting. The issue is consistent across all three of my PCs. I was pressing the 'Write Image File to Disc' every time whilst testing. Just going to check Win 7 x64 and XP on this PC. Win 7 x64 does NOT show the cutting off and neither does WinXP. In all cases on all PCs boarder padding has been set to 1 and the icon spacing adjusted. If you want me to do any testing at all, please do not hesitate to ask. DrT
  2. Hi, I checked it on another PC last night and it did the same for me. The only things that the PCs have in common is Win 7 32 bit, ATi graphics card and padding set to 1. Just out of interest, so I can check later, did you reboot after making the padding changes? If not I will check this. Regards DrT
  3. No skin pack installed. Running Win 7 32 bit. Have reduced border padding to 1 from default 4...that is all. Cheers DrT
  4. Hi, I'm an infrequent user of ImgBurn, but I have just used the latest ( version. The main window, which I cannot resize, is too small for the contens. The right side is cut off thoughout the burning process, so all screens affected. Screen shot attached. DrT
  5. Not quite . This can also mean has been formatted by another program, that Imgburn does not recognise in its default configuration . My Nero formatted discs work 110% with ImgBurn if I disable the 'proper format' option you mentioned earlier in the thread.
  6. If the "half a job/wrong way" works just as well (for me at least) as the "proper" way, could you please tell me what advantage the proper format has? I really want to know...I'm not trying to be 'funny'. Not directly related, however, here goes. You take your car to a mechanic for a service, he changes the engine oil, but fails to change the filter (containing about a litre of the old shitty oil) he then refills it with new oil. Result: HALF A JOB. To the driver of the car, no real difference in performance or anything else. This would also be true for many other things in life, doing half jobs work fine for a lot of people, however they do pay for it in some form or another in the long term. It's all very well yourself and others saying that the Nero format is 'half a job' and the ImgBurn one is a proper one without being able to tell what its advantages/disadvantages are. I CAN, however, tell you *exactly* what the consequences are of your 'half-a-job' example. I am at a loss however, to explain how they translate to a DVD+RW disc . Even the author of ImgBurn does not know, "If we knew, we'd answer".
  7. Pretty please...
  8. If the "half a job/wrong way" works just as well (for me at least) as the "proper" way, could you please tell me what advantage the proper format has? I really want to know...I'm not trying to be 'funny'.
  9. Thanks for that tip. It is not so much a problem that I have, it's just wanting to know "why". Nero formats the disc in < 1minute and the disc plays in every device I have. Use ImgBurn, says disc is not formatted, and takes 5 mins to do a 'proper' format. What is the advantage of the 'proper' format c.f. the Nero 'improper' one? TIA.
  10. I searched several times, honest to God, cross my heart and hope to die .
  11. If other programs can write to a disc without a tedious format *without* problems, why does ImgBurn insist on it? Looks like enforced incompatibility/willy-waving to me as there is no advantage for the end-user.
  12. This seems to be an ImgBurn 'issue' (for want of a better word). Please see my thread 'Disc formatting'.
  13. I have searched th forums but have not come across an answer. I use DVD+RWs. I have previously burnt images with Nero...a blank disc rquires minimal formatting (<1 min) before burning starts. With ImgBurn, the same disk has to be formatted and it takes about 5 mins, before the image can be burnt. I cannot even to a quick format of a disc previosuly used in Nero. Why is this? I cannot keep two sets of discs for two programs...it's nuts <g>. What's the reason for this?
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