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Posts posted by doctor-z

  1. To my understanding (AFAIK), Blu-ray Discs have 4 versions and can have up to 4 layers.


    Version 1 = 25GB Single layer disc.

    Version 3 = 25GB x2 Double layer disc.

    Version 1 = 20GB~ x3 Triple layer disc.

    Version 1 = 20-30GB~ x4 Quadruple layer disc.


    But I could be wrong :)

    Do you want to say:

    Version 1 = 25GB Single layer disc.

    Version 2 = 25GB x2 Double layer disc.

    Version 3 = 20GB~ x3 Triple layer disc.

    Version 4 = 20-30GB~ x4 Quadruple layer disc.  ????

    Do not forget that version 1 of BD-RE was not computer compatible, so version 2 and later are for computer use. The same happens with BD-R, it has 3 versions, all for pc. So, will I be right if I say:


    For BD-RE:

    Version 2 = single layer disc

    Version 3 = dual layer disc

    Version 4 = multi-layered disc


    For BD-R:

    Version 1 = single layer disc

    Version 2 = dual layer disc

    Version 3 = multi-layered disc ???????????????


    For BD-RE version 4 and BD-R version 3 things are easy, we have multi-layered discs (XL), as wikipedia mentions. But what is going on with BD-RE version 2 and 3 and BD-R version 1 and 2;

  2. Many programs like DVDInfoPro refer "Connection Interface" for every optical drive, and it has the value SCSI or ATAPI (IDE in some other programs). I also found this enumeration:

    enum Interface {


    and I want to ask where is this enumeration used. I checked inquiry, checked page 2A but nothing found. Only feature 001h is using something like this enumeration but there the enumeration is different.

  3. Just detection? Just say it does if it supports that mode page.

    Yes, just detection. Mode page 2A supports a large variety of features, like CD R/RW and DVD R/RW reading and writing. So, am I right to think that mode page 2D may have a package of features too including LabelFlash?

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