Ta Shamus;
I?m plugging along trying to familiarize myself with the vocabulary and making progress.
I didn?t want to create the impression I expected y?all to hold my hand through that exercise. That?s what things like ?Webopedia? are for; after all; eh? I had to start pretty far down the savvy ladder. I didn?t know there was a difference between CDs and DVDs until a couple of weeks ago, and then when I came upon all the DVD formats and flavours and code names?. well?
I had gone over the Guides area, and, in response to Mr. Lightening; I was favourably impressed with the layout and logic. Not much shy of elegant, I ?pines. Beats anything I?ve come across so far in the way of ?Learnin? Tools? anyways; ?suits me right down to the ground, and then some. But I?m new in these parts and subject to amazement about many things that the locals might rightly well take for granted.
I?d be hard put-upon to venture in on improving it, especially since I just clapped eyes on it. Now if he?d asked ?the missus?, he?d a got enough opinions on improvements ?to last?. It wouldn?t matter that she?s never laid a finger on a computer, and still thinks ?Download? is what I used to do to our daughter when she blew curfew. She still can?t forgive Panasonic for the way the display on the microwave always sticks colons in the temperature setting. She reckons we must have got the Japanese version by mistake; or something. There isn?t now, nor ever has been, anything created by God or ?factured by man that couldn?t do with a good ?improving? in her mind. And once it?s been improved, and ticking along like a Rolex with a fresh battery, that?s about the time it appears there?s a systemic flaw in the arrangement and it?s time to bulldoze it down and start over from scratch.
If Mr. Lightening really wants suggestions about "improvements", he needs to ask a wife. If he wants to get cured of the habit, he should get one.
?well? having spent the bulk of my free time over the last month or so; the time left over when I?m not ?improving? something, like my personality, the way I dress, what I read, what music I listen to, how long a ?tail? I should let dangle from the roll so?s she doesn?t have to pick at it to get the next sheet, or on a deputy ministerial commission project around the house or the yard, ? time trying to find a way to copy my docs & sets to some kind of storage medium, and not succeeding so far, and feeling like an absolute putz, I am now in a position of asking where the dickens do I find the/se folder/files with the phrase ?Documents and Settings? so I can push the right buttons to make it so? I?ve seen references to there being something called a Windows File System, and that stuff is filed in there. I?m not convinced this is true, and I take no responsibility for the probity of these rumors. I?m going on heresay.
I got to the point of opening the ImagBurn app and finding the icon to select a file, and I can find in something labeled (C:) an entry for ?Documents and Settings?, but it is dated September 2004!
I don?t know what button to push next.