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Mr Mysterious

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Turns out that both Google Chrome and Firefox both fail the install. Downloaded and installed the TFTP program. Looks as if its a command line program in which I'm not a command line kind of guy. Takes me back to the DOS days... lol. The file I downloaded is the dd-wrt.v24-21061_NEWD-2_K2.6_openvpn-nv60k.bin.
  2. I had originally grabbed a DVD by mistake. No harm or foul there. I had thought that this router program had to be on a disc like an ISO file does. Not have used a .bin file before, I'm a bit stumped on how to use it altogether. Trying to install said firmware program on a Linksys E2000 router. Here is the link to the file. If it doesn't take you directly to the files to download, put in Linksys E2000 for the router if need be. (http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database) I realise this isn't a general tech support for third party programs, so thanks again for all the help this far. If you could direct me in how to program the router with this .bin file, I would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again....
  3. I'm trying to get a copy of DD-WRT on a disc to program a router. I downloaded the file from their web site (http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index). I was hoping for an ISO file, they don't seem to use that file type. Any help in general would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the responses.
  4. Since the .jpg did not attach to my original post, how would I post the screenshot?
  5. Have all file types checked in the registry. Still can't burn .bin file. What could be going wrong? I have attached a screenshot.
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