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Everything posted by sunny

  1. thx once again is it ok that video_ts.ifo and video_ts.bup fail the checksum in the the newly created iso file?
  2. Thank you again for the explanation. I assume the better options would be the first two, right? as the others have duplicates...
  3. not a word about ifo/bup files...and the difference. u guys know it?
  4. Sorry, man. I can be a stupid guy sometimes Where is a better place to put the LB? The start of a file (zero time) or ifo/bup files (N/A)? Both are excellent according to the program. and what's the difference? thx!
  5. Hello! I put a new layer break on YES SPLIP... it becomes NO, right? Does the program make the older one YES automatically? What's better? 892862 padding, 50/50 or 0 padding and 55/45? Another question. When all the entries are marked green and some of them have bup and ifo files (FILE/VTS) with everything being N/A, is it safe to put a layer break there? Is it ok to put a layer break on ifo ,bup files? or it is better to put it on PGC (00:00:00 time in my case)? Thanks!
  6. Thank you Just one more question. This entry is seamless by default, isn't it? By choosing it, it will automatically become non-seamless, right? Or am I missing smth?
  7. As I've told they are not the same. I may be a litte messy with terms, sorry. The first entry is another angle. I mean the cameraman just changes the angle during the same scene (two men talking). So the layer break will be more visible here. But it is 50/50. The second entry is just another, different scene, not angle within the same scene. The previous conversation ends, two men leave the room and the new scene (second entry) begins with them driving up to a bar). It is 53/47. So it's more logical to set the layer break to the second entry, but I'm not sure about the compatibility with the standalone dvd player. I've read here that the player might experience some problems during playback. Thanks again
  8. Hello! I've got a problem. Actually, it's my second dvd9 to burn with imgburn (a great program). The first one was ok when setting the layer break but this one... the program offers me two choices (see below). Which one should I choose? I've read here that the best place to make the layer break is at the 50/50 position. But after watching these parts in the movie, the better choice seems to be the second one as there is another, completely different scene coming ( the first one is just another angle of the same scene, so I assume it will be much more visible). So my doubt is purely technical. If I set it to 53/47, will it still be playable on a standalone dvdplayer? Is it ok? What's your opinion? Thanks in advance!
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