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Everything posted by Nextria

  1. Quick updated I contacted Acronova and they responded, but the machines is old. They advised me to try other usb cable and ports. I already tried that, but gave it another shot, there was one usb port that i use for my keyboard/mouse KVM. And what do you know, when i used this port it works. so from all the usb ports on the motherboard or front pannel, only one work. So i am happy i got it working on this pc too. its a old machines but i fitted in a blu-ray drive. in combination with Anydvd, i can backup uptill 25 disc without intervention :D
  2. Hey, Thank you, i will try contact Acronova, in Device Manager, both the drive and the DupliQ are showing. Imgburn hangs, i am not sure if its sees the drive. Its strange i think maybe its a premission option
  3. Hello, I have a strange problem, i have a Ripstation and on one PC with windows 10 it works correctly. On the other PC i keep getting a error, even after reinstalling windows again. copied the BSRobots20.dll and winusb.dll to the imgburn folder, i select "Acronova 0BSRobots20.dll" option in IO under Enumerate Devices. On my working PC i close it and the machine starts up. But on this pc i get a error BS_Robots_Connect_Failed Unexpected Error 402. anyone have a idea ?
  4. Thanks for the replays, I will ignore the errors
  5. Hey, i also have it with other cds but they are also old (bootleg) games. i bought alcohol 120% and have the same. Must be something how it has been pressed.
  6. Hey, yes all different brands, sata ide and usb. Also different computers and laptops. also because it’s all at the 99% mark i though it was strange,
  7. Good morning, I have a question, i am making backups of a lot of old games, but in IMGburn, at the 99% mark i get a Random Positioning Error. See the log attached, its also not with all the cd's but with most. I tried 4 different drives (not in the log) but it all gives me the same error. The cds seem work fine, but i cant be 100% sure, can i ignore the error ? ImgBurn.log
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