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ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I have a LG BH-16NS55 v1.02 that does not support Disc Quality or FE/TE . Is it possible to make this registry hack to enable them ? Where can i find info ?
  2. The Vinpower drive is actually an LG based on MT1959 chipset . I also have an LG with the same chipset, BH series , but it does not support Disc Quality or FE/TE in OptiDriveControl . I have a GTA V for PS4 that fails to install on the console but in ImgBurn i managed to create an ISO . I can't test any further since i don't have a compatible drive, looking for one.
  3. I did burn them at 8x but i guess i had some faulty discs because i always got a high PI somewhere isolated on the disc . I don't see anything wrong in the graph data files in that specific area . Is there any way to see the writing speed on a DVD+R DL without the graph data ? Transfer_rate_02-August-2022.html
  4. New info, MKM-003 works for SCPH 90004 but it won't work for 70004 . I can't say anything for other models as i didn't test . I am able to burn at 4x, 8x but also under-burn it at the real speed of 2.4x . Which do i choose so it works best on PS2 ?
  5. I also applied a software patch for dual layer support . Just a warning for everyone, don't try MKM-003 on PS2 .
  6. Yes, it's modded both hardware and software . I even tried to disable the chip, same result . I used an external Verbatim drive and i could write at 3x . But on an internal LG drive the minimum is 4x . Bitsetting was manually set to DVD-ROM in both cases .
  7. Hello . I am trying to burn a Playstation 2 dual-layer game , i have tried multiple MKM-003-000 discs , tested on 2 consoles but it just won't read them . I also tried some CMC MAG-D03-64 and i had better results with those !? .. even if they stop working after a while . Can you go under 4x writing speed or it's a disk limitation ? I'm also attaching a log . ImgBurn.log
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