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  1. Im sorry, wait
  2. Using IMGBurn (Happy Feet 2) I 21:50:11 ImgBurn Version started! I 21:50:12 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) I 21:50:12 Total Physical Memory: 6,216,820 KiB - Available: 3,383,640 KiB I 21:50:12 Initialising SPTI... I 21:50:12 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 21:50:12 -> Drive 1 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS96 CT01-33 (D:) (SATA) I 21:50:12 -> Drive 2 - Info: VXDV BD-HD-DVDRAM S15 10.0 (G:) (Unknown) I 21:50:12 -> Drive 3 - Info: VXDV BD-HD-DVDROM S10 10.0 (F:) (Unknown) I 21:50:12 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM, 1 BD-ROM and 1 BD-RE! I 21:50:48 Operation Started! I 21:50:48 Source Device: [4:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS96 CT01 (D:) (SATA) I 21:50:48 Source Media Type: DVD-R (Book Type: DVD-R) (Disc ID: PRINCORDL32) I 21:50:48 Source Media Supported Read Speeds: 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, 12x I 21:50:48 Source Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x I 21:50:48 Source Media Sectors: 3,827,488 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,092,896 - L1: 1,734,592) I 21:50:48 Source Media Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes I 21:50:48 Source Media Volume Identifier: 13599 I 21:50:48 Source Media Volume Set Identifier: ceee8000MS UDFBridge I 21:50:48 Source Media Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM) I 21:50:48 Source Media Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF I 21:50:48 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50) I 21:50:48 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX I 21:50:48 Destination File: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\13599.ISO I 21:50:48 Destination Free Space: 105,228,804,096 Bytes (102,762,504.00 KiB) (100,354.01 MiB) (98.00 GiB) I 21:50:48 Destination File System: NTFS I 21:50:48 File Splitting: Auto I 21:50:50 Read Speed - Effective: 5x - 12x, 12x - 5x I 21:50:51 Reading Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3827487) I 21:50:51 Reading Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3827487) I 21:50:51 Reading Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2092895) I 21:56:58 Reading Layer 1... (LBA: 2092896 - 3827487) I 22:01:23 Exporting Graph Data... I 22:01:23 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NS96_CT01_THURSDAY-SEPTEMBER-29-2022_9-50_PM_PRINCORDL32.ibg I 22:01:23 Export Successfully Completed! I 22:01:23 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:34 I 22:01:23 Average Read Rate: 12,074 KiB/s (8.9x) - Maximum Read Rate: 16,871 KiB/s (12.5x) Using mRDL v1.1 (Halo 3) I 22:05:22 ImgBurn Version started! I 22:05:22 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) I 22:05:22 Total Physical Memory: 6,216,820 KiB - Available: 4,460,932 KiB I 22:05:22 Initialising SPTI... I 22:05:22 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 22:05:23 -> Drive 1 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS96 CT01-33 (D:) (SATA) I 22:05:23 -> Drive 2 - Info: VXDV BD-HD-DVDRAM S15 10.0 (G:) (Unknown) I 22:05:23 -> Drive 3 - Info: VXDV BD-HD-DVDROM S10 10.0 (F:) (Unknown) I 22:05:23 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM, 1 BD-ROM and 1 BD-RE! I 22:05:44 Operation Started! I 22:05:44 Source Device: [4:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS96 CT01 (D:) (SATA) I 22:05:44 Source Media Type: DVD-R (Book Type: DVD-R) (Disc ID: PRINCORDL32) I 22:05:44 Source Media Supported Read Speeds: 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, 12x I 22:05:44 Source Media Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x I 22:05:44 Source Media Sectors: 4,171,712 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,092,896 - L1: 2,078,816) I 22:05:44 Source Media Size: 8,543,666,176 bytes I 22:05:44 Source Media Volume Identifier: XGD2DVD_NTSC I 22:05:44 Source Media Volume Set Identifier: 34672923 I 22:05:44 Source Media Implementation Identifier: Sonic Scenarist 3.1 I 22:05:44 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 22:05:44 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX I 22:05:44 Destination File: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\XGD2DVD_NTSC.ISO I 22:05:45 Destination Free Space: 97,353,273,344 Bytes (95,071,556.00 KiB) (92,843.32 MiB) (90.67 GiB) I 22:05:45 Destination File System: NTFS I 22:05:45 File Splitting: Auto I 22:05:46 Read Speed - Effective: 5x - 12x, 12x - 5x I 22:05:47 Reading Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 4171711) I 22:05:47 Reading Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 4171711) I 22:05:47 Reading Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2092895) I 22:11:52 Reading Layer 1... (LBA: 2092896 - 4171711) I 22:17:49 Exporting Graph Data... I 22:17:49 Graph Data File: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NS96_CT01_THURSDAY-SEPTEMBER-29-2022_10-05_PM_PRINCORDL32.ibg I 22:17:49 Export Successfully Completed! I 22:17:49 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:11:57 I 22:17:49 Average Read Rate: 11,636 KiB/s (8.6x) - Maximum Read Rate: 16,898 KiB/s (12.5x)
  3. Or can i use virtual burner for the test? But i dont know why mRDL doesnt support virtual burner
  4. I have 2 disc, but its already burned, and its different games Halo 3 = Using mRDL v1.1 Happy feet 2 = Using imgburn And that 2 dvd are dvd-r dl Sorry if my grammar is bad
  5. What should i compare? Compare burn using mRDL and imgburn?
  6. i've tried burning xbox 360 dvd-r dl using imgburn, its display "play game", but when i play the game, its display "disc unreadable" But, when i use mRDL v1.1, its work Do you know how mRDL v1.1 work? Sorry for my bad grammar
  7. so, burn xbox 360 games using dvd-r dl is possible, using mRDL v1.1, do you know how mRDL v1.1 work? i want to try burn dvd-r dl without using mRDL v1.1
  8. And what happen if i burn the dvd-r dl using .iso? Not .dvd
  9. Ohh, do you know why its not possible? Because the layerbreak?
  10. And is it possible to burn xbox 360 game without using layerbreak? Because dvd-r dl not support layerbreak
  11. hello, i just bought dvd+r dl to burn xbox 360 games, but, when i insert the disc, the current profile reads dvd-r dl (maybe i got scammed or maybe my dvd drive is damaged). So, I want to use dvd-r dl to burn xbox 360 games, but how?
  12. And btw, i want to burn xbox 360 game to my dvd-r dl, but how?
  13. Oh, so its not wrong in my dvd drive? Sorry bad grammar
  14. Hello, i just buy the DVD+R DL and burn xbox 360 games, when i try to put my disc into my drive, the current profile says DVD-R DL and when i burn it, i try to check the current profile again, its says DVD-ROM Logs before burn: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS96 CT01 (SATA) Current Profile: DVD-R DL Disc Information: Status: Empty State of Last Session: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 4,171,712 Free Space: 8,543,666,176 bytes Free Time: 927:04:62 (MM:SS:FF) Next Writable Address: 0 MID: PRINCORDL32 Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x DVD±R DL Boundary Information: L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,092,896 Changeable: No DVD-R DL Shifted Middle Area: Start Address: 2,092,896 Changeable: Yes DVD-R DL Manual Layer Jump: Address: Not Specified Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: PRINCORDL32 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: 0-00 Book Type: DVD-R Part Version: 6 Disc Size: 120 mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,566,527 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,289,503 Performance (Write Speed): Descriptor 1... -> B0: 0x00, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00 -> EL: 4171711 (0x003FA7BF) -> RS: 16,620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 5,540 KB/s (4x) Descriptor 2... -> B0: 0x00, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00 -> EL: 4171711 (0x003FA7BF) -> RS: 16,620 KB/s (12x) - WS: 11,080 KB/s (8x) Logs after burn: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NS96 CT01 (SATA) Current Profile: DVD-ROM Disc Information: Status: Complete State of Last Session: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 3,827,488 Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes Time: 850:35:13 (MM:SS:FF) MID: PRINCORDL32 Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 8x TOC Information: Session 1... (LBA: 0) -> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 3827487) -> LeadOut (LBA: 3827488) Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: PRINCORDL32 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: 0-00 Book Type: DVD-R Part Version: 15 Disc Size: 120 mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,222,303 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,289,503 Performance (Write Speed): Descriptor 1... -> B0: 0x00, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00 -> EL: 4171711 (0x003FA7BF) -> RS: 8,310 KB/s (6x) - WS: 5,540 KB/s (4x) Descriptor 2... -> B0: 0x00, B1: 0x00, B2: 0x00, B3: 0x00 -> EL: 4171711 (0x003FA7BF) -> RS: 8,310 KB/s (6x) - WS: 11,080 KB/s (8x) And then i cannot set layer break position Anyone can help me? Sorry if my grammar is bad
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