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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. I've also read that you have to write on a specific part of the disc to not damage the data, is that correct? Using this image as example, on which part should I write down?
  2. Yeah, I've read AZO is recommended for DVDs and for Blu-Rays "HTL" blanks are preferable. About using sharpies for labeling discs, should I use the regular ones or the "ultra fine" points? amazon USA has this pack with both points: https://www.amazon.com/Sharpie-Permanent-Markers-Ultra-Fine-32175PP/dp/B00L3Y27N0/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=sharpie%2Bcd%2Bmarker&th=1 Should I get that one or is there a specific brand that you recommend me? And for CD markers, which is a good-quality brand?
  3. Got it! Thank you so much for all the tips
  4. Are there any noticeable differences between 2.50 and 2.60? 2.50 has issues?
  5. Is there a special config I should use for win7? Will that config also work for win10?
  6. Thanks for the info. Once I start using the program I'll try what you suggest And regarding the UDF settings, I've read that you have to set it to 2.50 if you want the data being read on Windows 7, is that true or 2.60 has no issues?
  7. Hey! Thanks for the advice. Regarding the filenames, the symbol ?that I have on those is not the same as the regular question mark (?). I was looking for a symbol that resembled a question mark that could be used in filenames, and digging out I found this weird question mark symbol that works, I also found one that resembles a backslash and it works as well, I will attach some pictures So, you think should I rename those files and remove the symbols, or there won't be issues when burning? Regarding the speed, is 4x enough for all types of discs?
  8. Hi! ImgBurn newbie here Since this is my first time using the program I've been looking for tips when burning different types of discs, these are usual recommendations that I've found and I would like to know if I'm on the right track and if these settings are safe to use: *The recommended speed for burning DVDs and Blu-Rays is 4x as using the lowest speed or above 4x is not safe. However, I've read that for M-Disc the recommended speed is 2x, should I use that one or 4x is sufficient? *Before burning, it is better to convert the data to an .iso and burn it, or can I just drag up data the data and move it to the blank disc and then burn it? *When burning double layered DVDs, you have to set the "layer break" to 1913760, is that correct? *I've read that you have to select UDF over ISO9660 as there might be some issues when reading discs on Windows 7, which UDF should I pick: 2.60 or 2.50? *I have some music files named with special characters like "?" , will there be an issue with those files after burning? For non-unicode file names is there something that I need to keep in mind? *For blanks, Verbatim seems the best choice, but do Sony's have good quality as well? For DVDs, should I pick DVD-R or DVD+R? *And this might be off-topic and kinda a dumb question but for labeling discs can I use a marker like Sharpie or it has to be a special one? I've read that for DVDs and Blu-Rays it's fine if you use a sharpie but for CD-Rs is not recommended because the ink can pass through the layer and damage the data, is that true? That's what I've gathered so far, are there other useful tips that I'm missing? Thank you!
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