Hi, I'm new around here and this is my first post on ImgBurn's forum so bear with me 🤔
A friend of mine started doing a pretty nice project with an animated series I liked, but due to the sheer size the final result had I was in a pinch deciding where to actually store all of it... after thinking on the situation for a bit I reached the conclusion to use BD-R discs. For my needs best would have been BD-R DL or BD-R XL but their price kept me VERY far away, so single layer (SL) discs were the way to go.
Considering the market in my state and prices in local retailers, I decided to get spindles of MediaRange BD-R SL discs at a price of 0.59$/disc with shipping included. Upon the arrival of 4 spindles containing 25 discs each I started researching on the best method to burn BD-R discs with ImgBurn, after a few dozen discs burned with no issues, I wanted to see how high rated are they among other people by searching the disc's ID.
(now imagine how deep my soul started sinking when I saw that CMC discs had a high failure rate after burning them an year or so later)
I've started doing a comprehensive list of .IBG files from ImgBurn's burning results, making snapshots of DVDInfoPro's graphs, gathering information about the discs and my Blu-Ray Writer, which doesn't have pretty good reviews either (soul proceeds to sink deeper) and I am now patiently waiting for them to reach 1 year old so I can start verifying and testing them if they TRULY are that cheap for a reason.
I'll leave below Google Drive links of my research's results, so if anyone sees the information I provide here as useful and actually tries to work with these discs, tell me how it went in the thread.
ImgBurn Graph Data Files (66 Discs)
DVDInfoPro Graph Snapshots (66 Discs)
Package Photos
And here is the data of the driver I've used to burn these discs with.
(maybe relevant to those who burn the same discs but with another writer and have, or not, issues with the discs afterwards)
NOTE 1: Unfortunately, it would seem this Blu-Ray Writer doesn't support PIPO scans, so proper verification according to the standard of ImgBurn's team won't be possible unless I get my hands on one which supports it.
NOTE 2: I will update the content of the links above with more data after the first year since I burned the discs ends. As I will make a verification for each disc to see if they have any failures with VSO Inspector.
NOTE 3: Any ideas of how I could research the discs further would be an awesome help 😥 THANKS FOR READING!