*please let me know if this is not allowed here, this is my first time posting here;;
Hlo!! I'm arc. I recently got into burning cds since I don't see a foreseeable future with my phone being my number one for music at all times. Today I'm working on gifts for a couple friends that are just moving up to my state, and so I asked what their favorite albums were. When I looked for an album that one friend had responded with, I found an Internet Archive link that gives me flacs. Mind you, I have never worked with flacs, and because they're all not one big flac file, I'm nervous that it won't work as I want it to. As in, like with mp3 files, they don't give me any sort of problem when making a cue file. While I was putting all of these flac files into a cue file however, I kept getting the same error message below.
following this error message, these big piles of errors show in my logs.
If anybody has any input on how to fix this, I'd appreciate some feedback on it. Thanksies :-]