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Everything posted by Mike89

  1. Well looks like you helped my dumb ass fix it. I do not have an option to turn off the onboard video in BIOS. There is an option which one you want to boot first, Onboard, PCIE, or PCI or Auto. Of course I had it set to PCIE (never used Onboard Video and never installed any drivers for it). Then I saw another setting, "IGPU Multi Monitor" and it was set to Enabled. I disabled it and booted back up. Started Imgburn and exited it and no crash! No Onboard Video showing in Device Manager either. Looks like that was it. Thanks for the tip, it's what made me go back into the BIOS again and look.
  2. Do you both video displays showing in your Device Manager (both Intel onboard and the ATI vid card?
  3. After some time with this issue I've come to believe it's an issue with this program. No other program I have show this behavior. For some reason the I7 3770K want's to show the onboard graphics option in Device Manager even though it's using a PCIE Video Card and no drivers are even installed for the onboard graphics. This seems to be what causing this issue with Imgburn (crashing after closing) for some reason and I see no way around it unless something in Imgburn is changed. This problem has been with me from day one after installing the 3770K (and seeing the two video adapters in Device Manager (with no way to remove the onboard entry)
  4. That setting is only there on Laptops where both onboard and video card are wired in together. That's why there would be an option to switch. On Desktops it's completely different.
  5. There is no such setting for Desktop drivers.
  6. It's apparently connected to systems that have onboard video like the 3770k. I don't have the onboard video on the motherboad even hooked up but apparently it's related to that somehow. No other programs are effected by this (except for a now defunct program you had long ago that also has this behavior). I see no workarounds for this as all workarounds I've seen are on laptops which have a different setting that iI don't have (to switch between onboard and vid card).
  7. Well i have a Desktop computer with this same issue and I do not have any setttings in the Nvidia Control Panel relating to selecting between onboard video and the Nvidia Card. Is this setting specific to laptops?
  8. I also have this problem. I don't see any setting you are talking about in the Nvidia Control panel to switch between GPU. I also have Intel onboard Video but I don't have it hooked up. I'm strictly using the Nvidia Video card (on desktop computer). Any further help will be appreciated as this problem is driving me nuts.
  9. So it seems Nvidia is not going to do anything about this as all drivers I've tried have this same behavior with Imgburn crashing at closing. Is this just the way it's going to be from now on? This has got to be affecting a lot of prople since the majority are on some kind of Nvidia video card.
  10. For some reason Imgburn ( now crashes everytime it's closed, no matter if it closes automatically or if I close it manually. The message is "Imgburn - The Ultimate Image Burner! has stopped working - A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program." I'm running Windows 7 Pro x64. I tried un-installing and re-installing but same problem. Program works fine when it's running, just crashes after closing it. Beats me if I know what's causing this. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  11. This is just not true. I have two hard drives, first one into two partitions. The first partition is 50 gigs and that's where I installed Windows 7 (x64). Unlike a lot people who actually think everything is supposed to be installed in "C:\Program Files" (or "C:\Program Files (x86)" ) (because that's Microsoft's default), I put hardly anything there. Almost everything I install is outside that first partition. Anyway I have never put a swapfile on the C drive. When you do this it screams that no dump file can be created on C drive (unless a minimum 200 mb swap file is there) but I don't need it and have never needed to use it. I've done this for years and never one problem. This whole swap file/swap file size thing just bugs the absolute crap out of me. That's because the information you get when you start trying to get accurate info on it is so varied and so inconsistent it's not even funny. Even trying to get a straight answer from Microsoft is next to impossible. Everyone has their own view on what they THINK it means from what they've read. Most information you read now is based from 10 years ago (or more) and the views stated as fact from every Joe Blow computer expert are still from that period. It's like the "everyone is still using 128 mb of ram view". 1 1/2 times physical ram size still stated by Microsoft like back when we were still shooting the buffalo. So according to them if you have 512 kb of ram you need a 768 kb swap file. If you have 12 GIGS of physical memory you need a 18 GIG swap file. Microsoft really needs to get up to speed and educate their own people so we can get a straight accurate answer to the swap file issue. I have 12 gigs of memory and have disabled the swap file completely. Before I did this I read for days on it and got absolutely no where. I don't know anymore on what's accurate than I did before I read. That's because there are so many different views/opinions/, (most stated as fact) that I'm just hard pressed to believe any of them anymore. I ended up saying hell with it and decided the only way to know is to try it myself and get my own real world testing results. So far no issues problems whatsoever. My system is perfectly happy with it's 12 gigs of memory (and no swap) in spite of Microsoft, or the naysayers that yell "turn it back on dude"! Sorry for the rant. Whenever I read about the swap file, I just come away irritated cause I don't find answers I can depend on. It seems the "Joe", "Fred", and "Willy's" of the computer world are never going to agree.I don't think even Microsoft knows anymore (if they ever did) cause if they do, they sure aren't telling.
  12. I have 4 DVD burners. I have 3 hard drives. I sometimes burn 3 at a time, 3 instances of Imgburn running, burning 3 files, one from each hard drive. Doesn't slow my system down at all this way. I can burn 2 from one hard drive but that will slow the burn down a bit so I stick to one from one hard drive at a time. Burning 3 does use a lot of ram since I have the cache setting in Imgburn set to max (512 mb). But what the hell, I have 6 gigs of ram so might as well put it to use.
  13. Yes it even happened after a reboot. I un-installed it, re-installed it and problem is gone. Dunno what the hell was up with that. Maybe something got corrupted or something.
  14. I'd like to learn how to make a bootable CD with 2 different iso files on it so I could choose which one I wanted at bootup. This seems like a complicated process.
  15. For some reason now, when I click on create an img file from folders option, Imgburn hangs with the message at bottom "Terminating Interface Thread". It just stays there and the hard drive light in on constant. Trying to close Imgburn does nothing, I have to end task to get it to close with Task Manager (Windows XP). After closing I can burn an img file (by right clicking on it to open Imgburn) and it works fine. Only in that one area am I having problems.
  16. I notice the buffer size limit for both Build and I/O is 512mb. The guide says to leave it at 40mb for 980mb or more of physical memory. By that ratio the computer isn't capable of having enough physical memory to set it at 512mb. So how important is this setting and for what purpose would one max it out to 512? If one had 4 gigs of ram, what benefit is there between setting it at 40mb vs 512mb. I would think the higher the better for a smoother burn (with HDD not having to work as hard). Is this not true?
  17. Ok, it looks like all is well then. I was just reporting my experience. Dunno if that came from another webpage that was open even though I wasn't viewing it at the time or what.
  18. Dunno. All I know is I went there and NAV 2008 auto protect picked it right up (called it Downloader Virus) and gave quite a bit of info on it, then said it got rid of it. Must have been something for it to do all that. AVG is known for giving a lot of false positives. Dunno how well it detects. NAV 2008 is among the lowest for false positives.
  19. Just tried to download the newest Imgburn. Used the BetaNews link. Norton antiviris picked up a trojan called "Downloader" and got rid of it. Thought someone would like to know. From now on I'm just going to use the Imgburn link.
  20. Thanks for that tip. I installed it and the option to burn with Imgburn is now there for a VIDEO_TS folder. It's a nice option to have. I would like to see UK implement it into Imgburn (maybe give the shell option during the install) so a separate third party program install would not be needed. This is better than nothing though.
  21. Since Imgburn can burn from a VIDEO_TS folder, is it possible for a future version to have a right click (Burn with Imgburn) option like with an .iso file?
  22. Comments are just amazing sometimes. Here is a program that's not even 2 megabytes in size, is FREE to boot, does things I would never have imagined, and to some it's apparently still not good enough! Jeez. Keep up the good work UK, your contributions are legendary and at least appreciated by some (both current and past).
  23. Has anyone posted this in that Nod32 forum? I went there and didn't see anything relating to this. I would be most interested to see their response as I am considering NOD32 when my Norton 2005 NAV service runs out.
  24. That's kinda what I'm thinking. All 3 of the iso's I tried to burn were in the same folder in same hard drive. Maybe it was a bit too much reading for the hard drive to be doing all at once. Heads must have been going nuts. I think maybe if that 3rd one I tried to burn was on the other hard drive (which is on a separate channel also) it might have worked. I'll have to give it a try again like that just to see what happens. Hope I don't lose a DVD drive like the last time (even though I did get it working again). It was a strange thing to have that drive behave like that, losing all control over it. I've seen freezes with a drive before but never had one just drop out like that where even a reboot wouldn't fix it (only powering completely down for a minute and restarting fixed it). What would cause the drive to behave like that where it would shut completely down? Was it Windows XP that cut the drive out (where even the power button and tray wouldn't work) or was it the drive itself that shut itself down? I don't think Imgburn could have done that. Didn't know quite what you meant there. How did you set up all of them before starting any burns. I right clicked on Iso, opened with Imgburn, located the drive, hit burn, then did the same thing on the second one. I wonder is LUK ever thought someone would be trying to burn 3 disks at once with his program. Heh heh. That means we like his program 3 times as much!
  25. Had a weird issue the other day. I have 3 burners, 2 of them SATA and one IDE. They are all on separate channels. Lots of times I do multiple burns using Imgburn. I have some iso's in a folder, right click on one, choose burn with Imgburn and go. I may then go to another iso and again burn with Imburn while the 1st instance of Imgburn is burning the other one. Never had an issue, both will burn at the same time with no slow down. OK, I had two burns going on at the same time and my tweaking brain says, "why not try a third one, you got the horsepower and 3 drives on separate channels, give it a go). I right click on a 3rd iso, do the Imgburn thing, and that's when things got a bit weird. The 3rd Imgburn just sat there and the other two that were burning just froze. I had to abort out of the two that were burning. Then one of the drives quit responding altogether (it was one of the two that were already burning when I tried the 3rd). I mean the tray wouldn't even close, no lights, nothing. I rebooted and now that same drive didn't even show up in Device Manager. I'm thinking, "did I just lose a drive"? I then shut down the computer, turned off power for a minute, booted back up and the drive re-appeared again and was working fine. I know this issue is kind of out of the ordinary being since I don't know how many have actually tried to do 3 burns at once. Does this look like I may have a problem with that drive or did I just try to do too much with Imgburn and the computer. As I said all 3 of these iso's were in the same folder in same Hard Drive. Maybe what I was trying to do was too much reading to do from one HDD all at the same time?
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