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Everything posted by jhw

  1. not confident at all as I'm a newbie to this but I appreciate all the advice I've been getting. Practice makes perfect I guess.
  2. the files I attempted to copy were not protected at the time of copying
  3. thanks but I thought if I followed the guide provided by our host imgburn would take care of the settings for me?
  4. I should add that I am using memorex DLs until I determine why these errors are occurring. I have verbatim DLs but they're too expensive to use until I fully understand the process.
  5. When I attempt to copy a DVD only a few of the menu selections play and I can't go to individual selections from menu past the first one. I followed the admin guide but still having problems. I also can't skip from one selection to another. I'm running the latest version of imgburn and using a DL burner (Samsung) with the latest firmware. there are 14 selections on the dvd but when i load the files into imgburn I only see three categories listed. Shouldn't I see all 14 songs as separate files? I'm a newbie to DVD burning. Single layer DVDs seem to work ok as far as using the menu, etc. but DL are a challenge. Thanks
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