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Everything posted by yangxi

  1. Sadly, your media is still junk (CMC). Go get some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatims. Regards What ur coment about mitsubishi dvd+r , and also smartbuy dvd+r?
  2. try update ur imgburn first and try again.
  3. never heard of such issue with LG burner, i am a fans of LG dvd burner though.
  4. if u use the build mode, it dun need create image in temp before burning process.
  5. pls post ur log file screen at here
  6. welcome zonemaster, i also cant imagine my life w/o imgburn.
  7. thx lightning for explaining, u r so gentle & patient to solve my question. long live imgburn.
  8. sorry confussing u, lightning, is there any possible way for me to make a disc image by imgburn which can be later on burned out by nero at my fren pc? thanks for ur time and effort helping me. i love imgburn very much.
  9. thanks, lightning for reply, but the version got create it perfectly.
  10. Is it possible to set auto creation of cue file when it separate the mdf image files? coz i want to past the image to my fren whose pc cannot install imgburn coz he is not using the admin acc.
  11. becoz it is not convenient when i need to separate my image file by chopping it into each 2gb size for a full 4.4gb image.
  12. How come it dun support create cue by automatic during create image like previous version anymore?
  13. do u got any crash if using other burning software too?
  14. ricoh disc is not bad wat.
  15. just use back is enough, u dun need such too old version actually.
  16. need to wait lightning uk to fix the bug first. p/s: u got version
  17. when i use back 2.0, all the problem gone.
  18. old version also work for me.
  19. becoz i had tried every version, tat y i know, as everytime i use the lastest 2 version, it alwiz burn fail during 8x speed burning, but when i reversed back to ver2.0, all is good w/o fail.
  20. becoz it is more stable with external dvd burner, that y.
  21. where to download version:
  22. does it got that kind of issue on LG sata dvd burner too?
  23. it seem tat actually my burner not longer like the new batch of mitsubishi already. as u can see tat i had been burn many mitsubishi 16x dvd+r since 2yr ago at 8x, only now it got problem with 8x speed. my firmwre also the lastest too.
  24. it seem tat my lg burner dun support the new mitsubishi 16x actually.
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