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Build button disappears and appears at inappropriate times

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I checked the FAQ and this subsection to find an answer, and since I couldn't, I thought someone might be able to answer here?



I followed the instructions from this site which state how to burn DVD movies from .VOB files on my computer.

When I click on Mode->Build, the big Build button at the bottom of the window is active but the Destination field is empty (Output is set to Image File).


I then click on Output->Device and this causes the big Build button to fade but now the Destination field displays my D drive (i.e. my DVD drive).

If I change back to Output->Image File, the Build button re-appears but Destination field goes empty again.


Am I doing something wrong?

Is it possible that this is caused by my DVD burner not accepting DVD-R discs (I ask this because there is a message at the bottom of the main ImgBurn window: Device Not Ready (Unable to recover TOC))?


For what it is worth, I have included the log here:


I 10:35:53 ImgBurn Version started!

I 10:35:53 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 10:35:53 Total Physical Memory: 2,086,880 KB - Available: 1,323,216 KB

I 10:35:53 Initialising SPTI...

I 10:35:53 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 10:35:53 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW!

E 10:36:02 Failed to check for ImgBurn update!


Thanks to all in advance.


If you're trying to burn a DVD then forget about it, your drive can only burn CD's.


That's why it's disabled when you're attempting to output directly to the drive/device.


If you want to create an ISO file on your hard drive, type the name into the destination box when 'Output' is set to 'Image file'.

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