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Taiyo Yuden (JVC) DVD+R and TSST SH-S203B problems


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Hi guys and gals, I got a problem. I like ImgBurn as it is free and has a lot of functions, but recently I had a few problems with it:

I usually use Verbatim DVD+Rs and I have never had any problems with them and ImgBurn, but now I bought JVC DVD+R discs (YUDEN000-T03) and when I burn some files to them, my DVD-ROM drive - a Hitachi-LG DH16NS30 - doesn't read the disc. My burner, a Toshiba-Samsung TSST SH-S203B, with firmware SB03, reads the discs without any problems, and so does my laptop's LG DVD burner. I have another computer, an old machine I built myself just for the fun of it, which has an old Sony DDU1621 DVD-ROM, and the drive doesn't recognize the disc either (and it DOES recognize Verbatim DVD+R discs burnt with the same drive). Interesting thing is that when I burn some data to one of those JVC DVDs using Windows 7's explorer, the HL DT ST DH16NS30 DVD-ROM reads it very quickly without problems. I tried burning 2 JVC DVD+R disc with ImgButn, once using ISO9660+Joilet and once using ISO9660+UDF, both of the DVD-ROMs failed to read both them. They don't even recognize the discs. Is there any way I can configure ImgBurn so that JVC (Taiyo Yuden) DVD+R discs burnt with my SH-S203B (SB03) are compatible with the HL DT ST DH16NS30 DVD-ROM? All the burning I do is at 16x speed.

THX in advance!



I was going to post a log, but when I put the burnt DVD into my DVD ROM, it read it! Now I'm totally confused. I'm going to do some research and post back in a few minutes...



So I burnt another 2 DVDs and it seems good now. But I don't get it. When I insert a JVC DVD+R I burnt yesterday into the HL DT ST DVD ROM, it still doesn't read it, and I used EXACTLY the same settings when I was buning it... Anyway I am going to burn some more of those DVDs and see what happens. Hell, even the old Sony DVDROM reads the ones I burnt today! I dont get that...

Maybe some of the DVDs are defect, and the rest are good, because from what I have read on the webz, Taiyo Yuden are amongst the best DVDs a mortal can buy along with the AZO Verbatims. Well, I have a lot to burn, so if there will be any more DVDs, which my DVD-ROM won't read, I'll post the info and log...

Edited by Dexter41
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Did you restart the PC at any time during testing these discs? I hate to say it, but, Windows, sometimes, just won't recognize media inserted into a drive. It's for no apparent reason, it seems. Restarting Windows, though, seems to kick start Windows back into reading discs.

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Yes, I restarted it many times. It's strange, but the first disc I burned is still not recognized by the dvdrom, only the later-burned discs are. It's like restarting the computer solved problems with burning the DVDs, not reading them :blink: Is that possible?

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Yeah. But I hope it's permanently fixed, I fear that I might someday burn another ureadable DVD, not knowing how I fixed that now... I just hope it won't happen and if it does, I'll be ready to post the log and all the info...

Edited by Dexter41
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