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Slight log enhancement


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If I'm being blind or stupid, then don't hurt me, just point me in the right direction. Other than that, when looking in the log file recently, the only thing I see are timestamps but no date stamps (other than generated graph files).


So here's my idea. Without changing each and every line to include a date with the time (as that would drastically increase the size of a log file), have periodic inserts of the date. When ImgBurn starts, instead of just a time, have the time with the date on the line, like so:

I 20:47:41 ImgBurn Version started on 2012-01-12 (GMT-0500 Standard time)!

I tossed in the GMT thing as another suggestion that isn't really all that important, but basically just lets the viewer/reader know what timezone/offset just for information purposes. Main thing being a reference to the date.


When an operation is started, aborted, completed, whatever, anytime that it would be a minor add and not a major one. For example:

I 20:57:15 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:09:18 (Started on 2012-01-12 @ 20:47:56)


Benefit is that with a big log file where it's always being appended to, it'll be easier to find certain activities.

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