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Can I Burn An ISO Image To A Micro SD Card?


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  I am fairly new at this and have been trying to burn an image to a Micro SD card.  Although I have not been able to get the destination setting to accept the location of the card.  Is this possible?  If so, then what do I need to do differently? 

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One thing that you can do is to extract the ISO, let's say to your hard drive, and then copy or cut/paste the resulting files and/or folders to your micro SD card. As for the extraction, probably PeaZip can do this. Now, if your ISO is bootable, that is another thing. If so, you would also need to extract the boot info from the ISO and find a way to inject it into your SD card (each uses different boot parameters). To achieve this, perhaps either ISOtoUSB or ISO2USB (different applications) can help.


Best of luck,


Carlos Albert

Disco Makberto

Edited by Disco Makberto
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