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Merging two .MPG files into one?


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Oh, it may not necessarily not work. Just be stupid. :) I notice that though it still says 7%, the target file file size is 3.99 GB on a FAT32 system. My guess is the app is "crashed" because it doesn't check for a proper filesystem on the target first. Although, I am still a bit worried. Why should 2 430 MB MPG files become a 4 GB file? Unless it is reauthoring them into a different file type. Anyway, rerunning it on my singular NTFS partition just for things like this.

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Well, the NTFS idea seemed to work. It's at about 10% now, but, at nearly 5 GB, and there's only about 1 GB free space left. My guess is the conversion from MPG to AVI, because the two source MPG's together are only between 800 and 900 MB total. But, what good is it it if takes 10 times the space to even test IF it works right... :angry:

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Well, it's definitely fucked up in one aspect: it apparently was not programmed to make sure there's enough space on the target drive and to just keep running forever if space runs out. That's precisely what it's doing right now. :rolleyes: Maybe should reboot and see.

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Must be some pretty crappy software you're using there DB. :) The joiners I've used in the past only join, they don't change the files in any way. You could always try using the command line assuming the individual file headers don't screw something up.


eg. Assume you have 3 files to join to create a forth. The command would be something like:


copy /b file1.mpg file2.mpg file3.mpg finishedfile.mpg

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Typical fuckers...



The two source files are MPG... so, goddamn naturally, it won't write out a joined MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 file! :angry: Returns some useless fucker error about how the files have disconnected, whatever the fuck that means. So, the only options are AVI and WMV. AVI appears to be WAY too large to even complete, and, I'd just bet WMV won't convert back into the proper file type I need. :doh:

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I'm only using the software YOU recommended above! =))



/b! THAT was the switch! I tried a copy X + Y Z earlier but all it strangely created was a 21 KB resulting file. I forgot about the binary copy. I'll try that. ;)



You got to have the + in between the source file names there, Shamus. :D

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Yeah, that did the trick. I knew there was a COPY that could do this. There is a slight pause where the two files merge, but, hey, I can live with that. :D I'm just trying to fix the problems the initial fucker created splitting this thing in the middle instead of at a more logical sequence break a few SECONDS earlier... :rolleyes:

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I'm only using the software YOU recommended above! =))



/b! THAT was the switch! I tried a copy X + Y Z earlier but all it strangely created was a 21 KB resulting file. I forgot about the binary copy. I'll try that. ;)



You got to have the + in between the source file names there, Shamus. :D

My DOS is a bit rusty. :)

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Man, the fuckers sure don't make this shit anywhere roughly near possible to tolerate do they... :rolleyes:



Okay, YES the files CAN be copied... but a necessary conversion to make them DVD compatible produces an output that is only HALF the length of the combined files because EVEN THOUGH IT GODDAMN TAKES THE FUCKING TIME TO PROCESS... it only ever produces a converted possible candidate of the FIRST file copied into the combination! Unless, maybe, there's a 4 GB limit to the MPG file type? Not the filesystem, as I made sure to use my NTFS for the target. One of the few reasons I have the bloody thing around.



Oh, and to save me the time of looking it up again later ;) the full syntax is:


copy /b 1.mpg + 2.mpg 3.mpg

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  • 5 weeks later...

Typical. More of my stupid life. Jumping uselessly through hoops that others don't have to. It seems that the copy command above may be only half the steps. After it created the resulting combined MPG there was something wrong with the key frames or something. The video was mostly lengthened still frames. But, when I loaded the MPG in VirtualDub and used Full Processing Mode to save it to a Divx AVI using the highest quality, 10, preconfiguration option thing, it saved an AVI of the two MPG's merged together that played properly... whatever. :rolleyes:

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