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So I wasn't sure what to do when lightning said that the discs I'm trying to burn are PTP's and verbatim dl's are OTP. Is there a simple way around this to fix my layer break?


NOt that I know of. But the PTPs will come in real handy for burning DL PS2 games because IIRC these are PTP disks.


BTW: What disks have you got?




If the LB is currently in a place that wont work on OTP discs... i.e. where Layer 1 is bigger than Layer 0, you'll need to recreate the image using something like PGC edit.


Unless of course ImgBurn itself can find another Cell in the PGCs that will meet the criteria.


Load the image, right click on the 'Sectors' text in the main window and get it to display IFO layer break. If it works, you'll be ok. If it doesn't, PgcEdit it.


Yeah the OTP or PTP is set by the origin media, I think the problems come when trying to burn the PTP DL image to the available OTP blank DL media.


If your having problems you will need to do as :worthy: Lightning UK! suggested above.....


OTP - Opposite Track Path, means the data is burned from the inside of the disc to the outside on the first layer and then from the outside back to the middle on the second layer.


PTP - Parallel Track Path, means the data is burned inside to outside of disc on first layer and then the same again on the second layer.


(I think) :lol:


As for problems I don't really know as all my DL backups have been OTP originals. If your worried try PgcEdit as Lightning suggested above.


Do you not see even a slight pause on the OTP discs when they change layer ? I have the original Episode III Star Wars discs and noticed it at the weekend.


So do I. But, in my opinion, the time to jump from last cell of layer 0 and first of layer 1 is different if the cells are near or far between them. so, in PTP mode, U can appriciate the jump and the movie stops for a few seconds.

If for any reasons I can't have original OTP, but only PTP how can I solve the problem by using PGCedit?

Hope I explain my point of view


I imagine the jump is more noticeable on PTP as the player and laser has to move more.


As for the PgcEdit, blutach would be able to help you with that as I think he tests the prog I think....


Anyway I think that could be a good idea to have in IB the choice to burn the image in OTP or PTP taking the Layer break point managed with PGCedit as point of reverse burn on the media.




The destination media determines the track path, it's not something that can be configured in software.


All writable DL media is OTP. I can't change that.


If the PTP DL image has a LB that's not allowed by OTP specs, ImgBurn will look for alternatives that are within spec. If it finds one, it'll move it there. If it can't find one, you need to rebuild the image with PgcEdit and have it apply padding to the files so that a cell WILL be within spec for a layer break position.


After that, PgcEdit will pass the LB to ImgBurn and it'll burn.


ImgBurn doesn't have to do anything.


So, as I can understand, it all depends on PGCedit.

It must be a function on it that next make build an image which tells IB to burn OTP.

Sorry if I'm boring but I think that this problem is important to have excellent backups....


You're not boring (me), I just don't think you've quite understood what PTP and OTP is all about.


PgcEdit doesn't and cannot tell ImgBurn to burn OTP... there is no such things as 'Burning OTP' or 'Burning PTP'. Discs are either manufactured to be read/written OTP style, or they're manufactured to be read/written PTP style.


The software doesn't give a monkeys if it's PTP or OTP - all it sees is LBA 0... LBA 1... LBA 2.... LBA XXXXXXXX.


The Image PgcEdit spits out is also not specifically aimed at OTP or PTP discs, it's just an image that has Layer 0 smaller than or equal to the size of Layer 1.


The image could be burnt onto an OTP disc or a PTP disc.


The only time you can't burn an image onto a OTP disc is if Layer 0 is bigger than layer 1.

:blink::blink::P . WOW, I learnt something today anyways LUK........... Not that I 100% understood, but it did sink in....... I think...... :lol::lol:

Well I am not sure about kev's as it looks a bit like a car crash but Lightning UK!'s is a Renault Clio Cup car I think - sporty little number, they also did a 3 litre V6 model in a car smaller than the new mini.....

The Image PgcEdit spits out is also not specifically aimed at OTP or PTP discs, it's just an image that has Layer 0 smaller than or equal to the size of Layer 1.
Slight typo?


L0 > L1 :)


And I'm wondering where all these PTP writables are, too - I haven't seen any on the market.


In any event pennyman, it would be impossible to have even the semblence of a seamless break in a PTP - it would be many times worse than in the regular OTP disks.




So let me know if I have understood.

All writeble DVD+DL media are set in OTP mode.

The only important thing to have good results is to set L0>L1 (or even equal) with PGCedit.

It doesn't matter if; reading an ISO file, the track path is PTP or OTP.

Is that correct?

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