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First let me say that I love imgburn I've used it for a few years now and prefer it to Adobe Encore's writer. A little while ago my computer got really really slow... and when I tried to used imgburn I noticed that the "Buffer" (on the lower left of the screen)... stayed empty.... and the device buffer struggled to keep up....


I performed a system restore to about 1 month early when I knew everything worked.. and my computer was fast again.. and the "Buffer" stayed Green.


My question for anyone that knows the internals of IMGBurn is...


What settings on my computer affect the buffer that IMGBurn uses and would cause it to stay empty verses full?





Check your DMA. And make sure you don't use CPU intensive apps while burning.




Hey blutach,

That is the strange thing.. I had the same apps and whenever I burn I shut down background process and only leave imageburn... however there was a noticable difference in my computer..... Was wondering if the IMGBurn author might be able to tell me what would cause IMGBurn's buffer to be completely empty...... but do a system restore.. use the same image.. and now it's full as usual.



  blutach said:
Check your DMA. And make sure you don't use CPU intensive apps while burning.



  Ivan Watkins said:
Hey blutach,

That is the strange thing.. I had the same apps and whenever I burn I shut down background process and only leave imageburn... however there was a noticable difference in my computer..... Was wondering if the IMGBurn author might be able to tell me what would cause IMGBurn's buffer to be completely empty...... but do a system restore.. use the same image.. and now it's full as usual.



  blutach said:
Check your DMA. And make sure you don't use CPU intensive apps while burning.




When I use IMGBurn often times the buffer bar is full at 100%, is that normal?


When burning you want it full. When reading, you want it empty.



  • 1 month later...

i have just bought a new samsung sata sh-203b DL burner..

i have just burnt my first disk with imgburn..strange thing is my hdd is sata and the burner is sata..i have 1 gig of ram and a decent 64 bit processor..is it normal for the buffer to keep dropping and the device buffer to keep dropping? even though i am only burning at 2.4x. once the drive gets to around 25% the buffer stays at 100% but devoce buffer is constantly dropping up and down..

it might be normal i dont know but it seems strange that the buffer would drop burning at 2.4 especialy as sata..i think i'd be concered if it was ide but seems very strange..then again it could be normal i dont know..


your telling me theres probs..i have onboard via 8237..i dont even have a serial ata controller..i have tried installing several different versions of hyperion and via 4 in 1..i have used the cd that came with the mobo..i get results varying from no compatible hardware found to the pc hanging..i think i need to reformat :-(

  hetster said:
i have onboard via 8237..i dont even have a serial ata controller..
I'd suggest you pick up a PCI SATA controller based on Siil3114 or something compatible with ODD. I'd suspect the SATA on your VIA based board does not agree with ODD.

believe it or not, that chipset finally got support for ODD on sata, but only with the latest bios on newer motherboards


I suspect no matter how recent a driver you load if the motherboard manufacturer doesn't support it with their bios,

you are up sh!te's creek, no paddle.


god forbid I think it was biostar mobo


shudder me timbers matey

Posted (edited)

it was a kv2 extreme..anyway i took it back and myself a 112d pioneer IDE after destroying my xp instalation with the 203b

i decided to update my via hyperions in case it was that..after that i got 2 instances of everything and all my drives showed as cd-rom..so i removed them from add remove programs..on reboot it decided to remove all my sata stuff inc Microsoft i think as it wouldnt boot..i couldnt boot into safe mode..normal mode etc as the xp instalation was on a sata hdd :-( i tried all sorts and nothing worked..i could get a little further with each hour that passed till eventualy i knew it would just be quicker to wipe the damn thing..so i wiped it and on a fresh install i installed via hyperion an violla same damn thing lol..so wiped it again and took it back and swapped it for a pioneer 112d..

very good burner it is to..and didnt mess my windows up lol


trying some cheapo disks now and i gues it doesnt like them lol..burns 100% but fails the verify at layer break .i kinda expected it anyway as i generaly only use verbatims..

Edited by hetster

You haven't been using any of those serial or pata connections on the bottom of the motherboard that are controlled by the sis raid controller, have you?


it isnt sis its via..and yes its onboard..


i have allready updated..was first thing i did..it came with 1.21 and 1.22 was available..still didnt do any good with cheapo crap though lol..ive had this tub of 50 for over 8 months lol..i'll find a burner 1 day that will do them..


sorry i should have posted the full specs lol..

ecs kv2 extreme lite edition v1.0 which has only 2 sata ports both controled by the vt8237 southbridge.


but this pioneer 112d seems to be a lot better than the 111d i owned..i think i just had 1 of those drives that wasnt faulty enough to take it back but wasnt 100% enough to give satisfactory burns..i had friends able to burn blank dvd's using the same burner as me..blanks which would fail in mine..although they allways failed at the layer break which i know from experience was due to cheap nasty media..when i used verbatims i could burn 100% with no coasters..so like i say not bad enough to rma but not good enough to say it was a good burner..


the 112d on the other hand has so far burnt everything i have thrown at it and burnt it well..


so alls well that ends well lol..i have a new burner that i am very happy with and my pc has been wiped clean to give it a new lease of life that i would have otherwise put off as long as humanly possible..

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