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DVD to AVI? I want to dub audio over a DVD.


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Okay so what I am ultimately trying to do is dub songs over various scenes from several movies. These movies were video cassettes which I recorded onto DVD's. So now I have them on DVD and I assume I need to somehow convert them to AVI so I can open them up in windows movie maker and get to work. The problem is I can't figure out how to do this (for free at least) and I'm not even sure if this is the best way to achieve my goal. Please offer any suggestions or advice you may have. Thanks!

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I'm certain you can google dvd2avi and get something(free, shareware)


then its off to a video editor to add sound


now that I think of it, I believe pinnacle studio11 will import a dvd file, off the dvd, but you'll need to go to their site for help with that, I've never done it

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