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a couple of very interesting scans


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My bad :wacko: , I thought Chewy had posted some scans here that I wasn't seeing, I didn't catch on he was referring to the posts in the Media section.

Strangely enough Ricoh DL's are now more money than Verbs in Canada, so they are not worth playing with IMO. For a short time when media prices started crashing here, Ricoh +DL's were considerably cheaper than Verbs and were worth considering as a decent substitute IMO(although not equal). Now Verb +DL's can be had for $3.00CAD($2.60US) each (non-printable, printable are still about $5), where as Ricohs are about $.25 more, and if that continues I won't be replacing my small inventory of them.

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Hmm, not good seeing a huge variance like that from a "good" company like Verb. Nothing else is going on in the background? How do they look if burned at 16X?

Edited by Grain
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