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Newbie needs help on UDF vs. ISO 9660


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I just downloaded imgburn yesterday and began to explore the program, in preparation for trying to copy thousands of files/folders to a DVD+R. When I clicked on calculate, as I was experimenting, I got the 8-level directory limitation error message associated with ISO 9660. Thus, the following questions:


Does UDF also have an 8-level directory limitation?

Can I choose to use UDF rather than ISO 9660? If so, where do I make that choice?

Are there any disadvantages to using UDF, as opposed to ISO 9660? I

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Thanks; I had read the Wiki entry on UDF and it didn't seem to indicate any significant problems associated with UDF and DVD+R.


Each filesystem has some limitations:

If you're just going to backup your files then use UDF 1.02 (you can select the filesystem in the Options tab).

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