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  1. Here is Russian language file for ImgBurn version (translated by Dmitry Yerokhin & Alexey Nam) russian.zip
  2. You're not alone. It happens heaps of times. I faced with the same situation more than once. So, feel free – if some person is dishonest, you cannot reeducate him. I suppose it's the author of software concern – to keep track of translations.
  3. Here is Russian language file for ImgBurn version (translated by Dmitry Yerokhin & Alexey Nam) russian.zip
  4. Here is updated Russian translation (by Dmitry Yerokhin and Alexey Nam) for ImgBurn version Last updated @ October 5, 2011. russian.zip
  5. Here is updated Russian translation (by Dmitry Yerokhin and Alexey Nam) for ImgBurn versions and Last updated @ December 10, 2010. russian.zip
  6. I absolutely agree with namchik. We have discussed this issue before, and we found the only form which would conform to all languages – it's "Parameter: value". In this case "Parameter" remains constant, regardless of value, so no need to worry about the plural form of nouns in different languages.
  7. Here is updated Russian translation (by Dmitry Yerokhin and Alexey Nam) for ImgBurn version Last updated @ September 3, 2010. Russian.zip
  8. Here is updated Russian translation (by Dmitry Yerokhin and Alexey Nam) for ImgBurn version Last updated @ March 18, 2010, 16:55. russian.zip
  9. Hi, Russian translation for version is ready. Please get it from the attachment. ImgBurn_Russian_lang_v1.0.0.6.rar
  10. Thank you, SoulWar.
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