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Everything posted by zacoz

  1. Had to give my wife one of her own to keep her happy. Then of course had to give one to my son. So now I'm back to one - which of course gets the best upgrades with bits then passed down the line.
  2. Yeah - Carbon Marking Crap. Everything you've already written with them will dissolve from contact with the air too.
  3. Obviously been buying those cheap chinese pencils
  4. zacoz

    Funny Vids

    It should be compulsory to have these installed in all similar venues.
  5. zacoz

    Funny Vids

    Proof that you should outsource production of your video advertising.
  6. zacoz

    Funny Vids

    Chris Rock on "How not to get your ass kicked by the police"
  7. zacoz

    Funny Vids

    World of Warcraft Numa Numa Dance Note: Don't worry if it starts playing before the video is displayed on the screen, it will come up.
  8. zacoz


    Well we had topics titled Lamb and Chicken, so it just seemed unfair to leave out the fish. Ice Fishing
  9. zacoz


    Shamus, haven't you traded in that old helmet for a new one yet ?
  10. zacoz


    Just loved last year how he was criticised for slandering vegetarians
  11. Maybe Shamus has a 20 yr old bride
  12. zacoz

    BenQ DW1640

    I'd prefer the DW1655 myself as the lightscribe disc's aren't noticeably more expensive than the standard Verbatim's from what I'd seen. I'd read the process was supposed to be faster on the latest generation lightscribe burners too. I also don't have a disc printer - so it's marker pen only at present. Would like to put some more polished labelling on some disc's. @BurnerFreak: Was going to offer you a pencil sharpener, but recall that you're using decent media, so probably won't wear it down enough to need sharpening
  13. Reminds me of the Mythbusters episode 34 where they shoot various guns into the water to see if diving underwater can help you survive being shot at. They used replica civil war rifle 9mm pistol M1 Carbine Shotgun 50 calibre rifle Surprisingly (for we gun ignorant people), it seemed the higher the velocity the better chance of survival, as the water shatters the higher speed bullets upon impact.
  14. zacoz


    Thanks...Many more planned
  15. Thought you pretty much answered your own question anyway. If the file that you can't see is hidden, then unhide it (as opposed to changing an explorer option to show hidden files - not the same thing). Seems you / someone else must have hidden the file in the first place anyway , as I've yet to see any program that creates *.ISO files actually make them hidden once they're done.
  16. Obviously LUK's decision, but it looks similar to Paypal, just a smaller client base (little over 1% of Paypal), less features, and it costs to both send and withdraw money.
  17. zacoz

    BenQ DW1640

    Anyone seen the BenQ DW1655 available in Oz ? I gather the difference between Retail & OEM (apart from the pretty box) is some free media ?
  18. Wouldn't be surprised if a number of other system applications do similar - whether they own up to it themselves or not is the question.
  19. zacoz


    Noticed a few First Time Posters lately with post counts higher than the number viewable from their profile. Seems you've been kept busier than usual administering lately LUK. If you wanted to become an accepted member of the community, regardless of whether intending to post daily or annually, wouldn't you be a bit nicer in at least your first few posts.
  20. Didn't think of that Blu - now I've got to wait til Father's Day - darn it.
  21. zacoz


    Thanks Guys....had a pretty quiet one this year. @Junkie: My son reckons your HB graphic is "So Cool !" @Jack: Don't feel that bad myself. Must be my *cough* healthy lifestyle. @Blu: I note you haven't been around lately. Been too busy since Firey got home ?
  22. zacoz

    The Gunfighter

    OUCH #39;(
  23. You not trying to take on Blu with his famous "EDIT" posts are you Burner ?
  24. we ?? - Strange, how as this is your first post
  25. I only dream of getting them at 40 cents
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