Hi guys, I read this topic with great interest as it seemed very similar to my problem:
Using nero 8 or Imgburn I cannot for the love of god get either of them to format my Imation bd-re, they are correctly requognised in both nero and imgburn as bd-re and empty but needing formatting but refuse to be formatted, LG say that they are "incompatible" but I think that this is horsesh!t, If the LG GGW-H20L is a blu ray burner then it should burn blu ray discs.
The drive works perfectly in watching br and I have burned a couple of verbatim bd-r's and I used the LG bd-re until it had a layer split, it has the latest firmware installed and I have also tried some things that colin tried also (unticking prefer) but alas I have had no joy, Has anybody else had problems with this or any other brand ??