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Everything posted by no1baggiesfan

  1. I didnt want to waste another bd-r thats all lol.
  2. UDF 2.50 was used, the folder was EXACTLY the same for the bd-re and that worked fine.
  3. Logs for bd-re are not available as I used nero, log for bd-r is here. Thank you. ImgBurn.log
  4. Hi, I recently burned a bd-re (lg) which played perfectly on my ps3 and pc (using nero ) but when I burned it onto a bd-r (verbatim) using imgburn it does not work, it doesnt even get recognized by the ps3. It works on the pc through media player but comes up as unsupported format on power dvd. Any ideas please, besides just buying bd-re's lol.
  5. Yep, everytime, I get "disc needs formatting" I tell imgburn yes, then it tries to erase the disk and fails. Nero just tries to format for about 2 mins then chucks up a "cannot format" error lol. You used verbatim with no probs ?? I was considering tdk or maxell but if you say verbatims are ok I've seen loads on ebay, Ima getting bidding . Thanks for the info.
  6. Hi guys, I read this topic with great interest as it seemed very similar to my problem: Using nero 8 or Imgburn I cannot for the love of god get either of them to format my Imation bd-re, they are correctly requognised in both nero and imgburn as bd-re and empty but needing formatting but refuse to be formatted, LG say that they are "incompatible" but I think that this is horsesh!t, If the LG GGW-H20L is a blu ray burner then it should burn blu ray discs. The drive works perfectly in watching br and I have burned a couple of verbatim bd-r's and I used the LG bd-re until it had a layer split, it has the latest firmware installed and I have also tried some things that colin tried also (unticking prefer) but alas I have had no joy, Has anybody else had problems with this or any other brand ?? Thanks.
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