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Everything posted by masagsxr
Thanks mmalves.... We asked what their requirements are and thats what they replied with. We'll definitely push for the ISO support as that usually is industry standard nowadays. They'd be loosing big business if they don't and we might have to look for yet another vendor to replicate our master DVDs
Yeah, sorry about that. There is no way to test now since we changed vendor to do the mastering for us
bumping regarding my initial question on the beginning of the thread... I guess this is no longer valid as we changed our vendor recently. We'll start using imgburn again creating our iso files which leads me to another thread I just posted regarding DDP support... Thanks!!!
BUMP... Also looking for a word on this one.. Thanks!
Hey Lightning! Just wondering if you will create a new version of image burn supporting DPP file format. We have a new vendor mass producing our dvd. We are hoping to send them our masters electronically by uploading it on their FTP server instead of sending them a physical master dvd every time. We asked what their requirements would be and our contact says DPP format. Below is a portion of the conversation of our vendor's reply. ================================================================================ They require the image to be a DDP file.
Oh... what I was trying to say is as far as disc verifications and having the file readable. I know there are quite a few differences when checking the properties with IsoBuster. I'm curious to know if our vendor is still not able to duplicate it on their site using whatever software they use to mass produce our DVDs or will they have the same error. I will ask them for logs and screenshot if it fails.
Thank you.. I'm testing it right now as we speak checking that it is identical to our Nero iso and will send our vendor a copy to see if they can duplicate it..... Will keep you posted.
Bump... Hi Lightning. Just wanted your input if your latest release will fix our issue here regarding Nero working and ImgBurn not. Thanks for the update... Hope this is not an April fools joke ... ciao
Its almost been a month since I last logged in so I thought I check in. You must be busy with the holidays and all. bump for the beta release.... Thanks!
Thanks Lightning.... Sorry for all the reminders. Last time we exchanged post earlier back I thought it was just about ready. Thanks again for everything. Looking forward to test.
The Bump Thread.... funny... hehehe.. Hi Lightning. Still awaiting for the beta. Thanks!
Hi Lightning.... Hope you have not forgotten about me.... Looking forward to test the beta version and hopefully fix our issue. bump to the top!!!
(email removed)... I'll try to PM you too... I know usually Admins gets tons of emails so u might miss it in the shuffle.
Just checking to see an update. Please let me know which version to download ofter you release it. Thanks!
Hope you had a good weekend.... Regarding your comment. Thats exactly what we thought and we were 100% sure it was going to work until our vendor said it did not pass. We sent them 2 copies of the DVD. One ISO was created using Nero and burnt to an actual Dual Layer DVD using Nero application and the same goes for ImgBurn (made ImgBurn ISO and also burn to physical DL DVD using ImgBrn). As I copy/paste on my initial post, the guy said Nero passed and ImgBurn didn't which stompped us. There is really no way for us to tell unless we fly out to their location and see it for ourselves (they are out of state and we are in california). Any idea comes to your mind what it could be? By the way, we used Nero 7 ultra if you have that handy that you want to compare when you are coding.
If its ready i'll go ahead and test it. I'm not sure if you use ISOBuster but under the UDF properties, the difference between the Nero and ImgBurn is the make. Heres a screenshot. Hope that helps about with your coding. We were just about 100% possitive it was going to work until we heard from our vendor that it didn't. By the way.. I'm not sure "why" the file size difference under LBA column between the two ISO
I believe I can send as much as we can if my company permits. They want our business so I'm sure its his job to keep trying what we send him and they are making good money from us. We send out approximately 50,000 copies throughout our clients nationwide (North America) and some out of the country. At the moment we are going to use Nero (not my call really just following the boss). The guy (our vendor who does our production masters) is no help tho but we'll keep trying. He does not seem to be techy and just dependent on what his testing software tells him prior to production. My email attachment on what he sent on my initial post is all he can tell us. I'll pass the word along with my co-workers. Thanks for working on this. Please keep me updated on the new build. I am currently using Here is another reply from our vendor ==============email from vendor======================= I can give you my opinion on which choices are recommended. Always choose DVD-ROM( UDF ) I would say ISO 9660 + Joliet is fine if you have that as an option under UDF properties. The hybrid format (UDF/ISO) or even DVD-ROM(ISO) may cause issues. The only options I can see that could be an issue (if say the user was on a windows 98) would be the check boxes under relax restrictions. (these options change folder dept or filename character lengths) I honestly think even with all those boxes checked you should be fine. These boxes won't cause a failure in our tests as far as I know. As far as NERO goes, it is probably best to let it use the default settings because these are the most compatible. I believe it chooses its own layer break, which is best for data dvd 9 projects. =================================================
huh? I'm a little confuse regarding your response.... Is this a known issue and going to be fixed on the next build of ImgBurn?
Hello, Love the software (ImgBurn). However, we are having difficulty with our replicator. They insist that we use Nero and the master Dual Layer DVD we send them will be good for replication. I work as a QA and finding the source of the problem is the most important information rather than spending $$$ for another software to use. If that is the case, will you spend $$$ everytime when something does not work... right? Well this guy on this production company we hired is no help at all. He just insist that if we use Nero, he guarantee with 100% certainty that it will work. So we have Nero and we created an ISO both in Nero and ImgBurn. We made both medias identical as possible by selecting exactly the same options between the two software then burnt each one to a DL DVD (Nero iso burnt using Nero and ImgBurn ISO burnt using ImgBurn) We sent both media to our vendor to see if either disc is good for replication. Instead, he turned around and said that Nero was good and ImgBurn did not pass with his testing software ( i believe Eclipse) Below is an email from him with his conclusion without even giving his 2cents of what he thinks it is. He is completely just depended on what their testing software result gives him. ==============email from vendor======================= Unfortunately my testing software will not tell specific information as to why imgburn does not correctly format dvd 9 projects. It could be any number of issues or settings that is causing the problem. It is a likely possibility that Imgburn may never be produce a dvd 9 that will pass our testing software. If you want the exact error: It failed for Invalid UDF entity identifier. The recommended solution: re-author the dvd. (this is straight from my testing software) I can give you one tip that may be useful in the future. Please make sure you select a single closed session, as opposed to a multisession dvd. Our software will fail a multisession dvd. ================================================= Any advice? Thanks!!!