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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. It's a great proggie Hiker.
  2. Mead, Welcome to the forum. First off check your DMA and ensure your drive hasn't gone back to PIO. Secondly check for updates for your drive and then switch to Verbatim brand of blank discs DVD-R. Check the FAQ for how to check DMA if you don't know how. Windows lies so its worth resetting the DMA anyways to ensure its enabled on your drive (s).
  3. Jangle, Don't think Donta meant to sound like your setting are strange......... Imgburn is set up with default values because those are the settings that usually will give you the best overall performance. Changing those defaults, unless you have a specific need to do so, can effect the performance of imgburn. Donta was just trying to make you aware of this.
  4. Thanks for the wishes Blu, lfc, grain............... Jason, good to see you posting mate!
  5. Buy some more quality discs.......... Verbatims come to mind here, and please try to post a log of the burn that messed up. It would not be imgburn that caused your puter to "crash" Something else has to being going on within it. Have you run any diagnosis programs to see if it just needs a good cleanup. Might be an overheat problem or a PSU going south.
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike! All the best mate. The Big 40 !!
  7. Happy Birthday Loco........ Enjoy !
  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone............. Had a great day......... and night............
  10. movienutz, I would suggest getting some Verbatim blanks, -R, leave Imburn on default settings, and burning the movie again. The pixelation is most likely caused because of bad media and the dye associatted with it. Good quality blank media can make a BIG difference. Let us know how it goes.
  11. Cartoonhed, As mmalves said, Imgburn is just a burning program. It doesn't do anything else. mmalves has helped you all he can, since you did state these were downloaded movies. As Blutach stated we can't help you any further with this matter but google is a friend. Edit: Damn, too slow again...........
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grain............. all the best man !
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK................ where ever you are mate!
  14. Oh Shit........ Late again....... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOSS Sorry bout being late, but hope you had a great time.
  15. Oh yes, and update to curent version
  16. Happy Birthday Jersey........... All The best Mate.
  17. I 15:00:06 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: CMC MAG. AM3) (Speeds: 1x, 2x, 4x) Kip, Buy some Verbatim or Taio Yudens and try the burn again. Those CMC MAGs are pretty bad. Am sure you'll have success with either of the aforementioned blanks. Leave all Imgburn setting on default as the program is set up to burn the best with default settings. edit: Darn your fast Cynthia............ or I'm slow........
  19. Welcome to the forum. Verbatim and Taio Yudens are the media we reccommend most to use with Imgburn. They consistently give the best burns.
  20. A bit of surprising piece of news appeared today on the internet - the format war between HD DVD and Blu-Ray is officially over and one shop after another gets rid of everything with HD DVD logo on it. One would expect Sony and other companies promoting Blu-Ray format to strengthen their position, but exact opposite happened: Sony Corp said on Wednesday it will sell its microchip production facilities in western Japan to Toshiba Corp for 90 billion yen ($835 million), in their latest move to focus on their core businesses. The equipment will be used by their semiconductor joint venture that will make high-performance Cell chips and RSX graphic chips, both used in Sony’s PlayStation 3 game console, as well as other microchips that go into Toshiba products. The venture will be established on April 1. Sony, which is focusing on image sensor chips for digital cameras and pulling away from heavy investments for cutting-edge chip production equipment, said in October it would sell production facilities for making key microchips used in the PS3 to Toshiba, but the price has been unavailable. It’s also well known that Sony had to pay a lot more money (estimates ranged around $300 / unit) for every PS3 console with Blu-Ray drive, which turned out to be one of the reasons why this format won in the final battle with more than 8 million owners in contrary with only 1.4 million sold HD DVD drives. Source: AP
  21. kevdriver


    Congrats to Cynthia, Loco, amd Mmalves.................. Welcome to the club !!! Much deserved............
  22. A big itch....... I like to think so....... Where did Lemkes go any ways.........
  23. lemkes, sounds like a DMA issue. Check out the FAQ for answers and post a log of the burn (s) that are slow, could be outdated firmware on your burner as well. Help>Imgburn logs> copy and paste. Give me a break, I was scratching an ich........
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY lmao2k............... Enjoy !
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