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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. dfuk, everything works here fine as well. Perhaps try uninstalling and reinstalling Img and see what happens.
  2. As always. Congrats everyone !
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY POLO All the best HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM................... Hope your well and have a good Birthday..........
  5. John, Same problem the Boss just answered from your above post about Imgburn.
  6. John, first off get rid of the CMC MAG discs and buy some Verbatim DVD-R. CMC MAGs are utter rubbish. Also ensure that you have the latest firmware for your burner. Tools>Drive> check for firmware updates. I think the CMCs are your major problem now though. Edit: I'm just too damn slow.......
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DB............
  8. Well Posted Cynthia There's always a few posting on forums.....
  9. ooooohhhhhhh boy.........
  10. Eagle, First off this post may get moved to Imgburn General as its not a program bug question. Imgburn can't burn to two burners at once with a single instance of it running, It can burn to alternate burners.... all burners loaded with blanks and burn each file one at a time . I suppose you could however run 2 instances of Imburn and burn two discs at once that way. I wouldn't recommend it though.
  11. kaloosa, Check for a firmware update for your burner and also those blanks are pretty trashy. CMC MAG dye really suck big time. Best try some Verbatim DVD-Rs as they are the only ones that give consistantly great burns. Leave all Imgburn setting on default as these will work best in the majority of burns.
  13. Scott, The Singapore Verbs seem to be alright..... at least here in Canada. Its the Verbs from India that you really have to worry about. Those ones are terrible for the most part.
  14. Great first post DLW. Any probs, be sure to visit us again.
  15. Put the attitude away mcdon, ,Those gentlemen were trying to help you! Open Imgburn > help > imglogs > copy and paste the log of the failed burn. These logs contain info that we can use to help you fix your problem your having.
  16. Thanks. The Boss is always happy to hear about happy users.
  17. Truemaster, We try to aim to please....... We,re here if you have any other probs down the road.
  18. Truemaster, No, I believe the BK at the end of your model just donates that is the black front and not the beige front ( 112D vs 112DBK ) The 112D is the important part is this case which is the model of your unit.
  19. Truemaster, if this is the case then with purchased games as well, then perhaps your 360 needs a cleaning or as your friend suggested, its developing a laser problem.
  20. The Img copy and the Clone copy give you the exact same message in the exact same part of the game. Your source for the game might be the culprit here. Can you play another game successfully on your 360 ? This would rule out the lazer assembly. Also newest firmware for your machine is 1.24, your using 1.21. Tools> Drive> Check for firmware updates.
  21. Truemaster, The log file shows a successful burn and verify. I believe the problem may lie in the step you did before using Imgburn to burn the image. Could also be a corrupt source. What was the problem with the Imgburn copy you used?
  22. Sounds just creamy to me as well.........
  23. eeeeeoooooowwwwwww............... :&
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