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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Yeah, what I call the 2209 is actually internally the BDR-209M. And there are various other strings like BDR-209UBK that I think identify this same drive. Really more confusing than it needs to be, IMO. And some bundles with my 2209 come with an M-Disc media included in addition to the Cyberlink media software suite.
  2. On the 2209, I get about 5x max Verify of BD-RE media. However it does start really low at like 2x and only slowly increases to 5x by the end of disc. Is the 09 the same as the 2209? Because there's also a 209 as well as the 2209. I thought the 09, just by itself, was an older drive, but I'm not sure.
  3. On my Pioneer 2209, I get higher than 2x Verify speeds on BD-RE. Although the Verify rate does seem to be significantly lower. Definitely lower than BD-R. I asked LUK if Verify was dependent on any values set for specific media in the firmware. He seemed to indicate it was just down to how the drive behaves. So, maybe.
  4. I asked this very question once. What happens is the Verify rate gradually increases on Layer 0, gradually decreases on Layer 1, gradually increases on Layer 2, and if there's a Layer 3, gradually decreases again.
  5. I can understand this: "First Physical Sector of Data Area: 0" but the next ones don't make much sense to me: Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 0 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 It seems like the drive isn't returning information for these values. In fact, would the first sector be listed as 0? Is there a Sector 0, given that computers start numbering at 0?
  6. I see a rather odd Warning I've never seen before: "Found end of disc." I don't know this error but since the resulting image file you tried to mount appears to be corrupted, the problem would seem to be either your drive thinks it found the end of the disc when it wasn't the end of the disc or the disc you're trying to read has gone bad. Barring trying to read this disc in another drive, that's about all I can say to try. Try to read the disc in another drive. If you still get the same error, then it would seem there's something wrong with the Windows 7 disc you're trying to read.
  7. It's a tad odd that the 2209 is double the price. On Amazon.com, it's only got a 25% premium over the 209. If you never plan on using T/XL BD-R/E media or M-Disc or if you never plan on putting the 209 in an external enclosure or if you never plan on using Ritek 8x DVD+RW media (Which, granted, you probably never would as they don't make them anymore and I couldn't find anymore anywhere on the web.) then there's no reason for me to recommend the 2209 over the 209. However, I never tested the 209 with other types of rewritable DVD's, so the Verifies failing on it that may pass on the 2209 may or may not affect you. IF you ever even plan on using rewritable DVD media.
  8. BTW, what are slim drives called? Quarter height drives? Are they half the size of the half height drives?
  9. The 209 and 2209 are just different ways of identifying 2 of Pioneer's BD burners. They're actually called something else, some kind of string beginning with BD/BDR. And they have multiple names for them. I just find it easier to use 209 and 2209 to differentiate them. The difference between the 209 and 2209 is the 2209 supports BD-R/E T/XL and M-Disc and the 209 doesn't. You can tell the difference because the 2209 has BDXL printed on the lower left side of the front of the drive and the 209 is just plain blank on the front. I recently tried my first 209 and I don't recommend it over the 2209. In addition to the extra supported media types the 2209 has over the 209, I found some odd behavior with the 209. For instance, in my USB enclosure where the 2209 works, the 209 doesn't. The 209 loses communication with the system in mid operation, forcing a power off of the enclosure. And the 209, when installed internally, works, but will fail Verifies sometimes on Ritek 8x DVD+RW that are brand new and just formatted by the 209. And when the same discs fail in the 209, they will pass an immediate write test of the same media and image file to the 2209. Maybe I just got a bad unit, but, as my first experience with the 209, I was underwhelmed by it. And I recommend the 2209 over it. My first 2209 only was just recently replaced. The Eject button/command, like 1 times in 10, wouldn't work the first time. But would on the 2nd try. However all Ejects issued by ImgBurn after a read/write operation were always working. And it was only writing 4x to 8x DVD+R DL anymore. It has been used for about 2 years and still "works," just with these odd performance issues. The Eject button thing also happened to my 2nd 2209. The 3rd 2209 needed replacing after 7 months, a rare case of Pioneer not being long lived. My 3rd Pioneer I only just recently replaced after 2 years because what it was writing to formatted rewritable media would not be present once the disc was ejected. So, it actually wasn't being written to. My 4th Pioneer I sent back to Amazon.com because it was failing on quality Verbatim BD-R that my other Pioneer was still writing. The 5th one replaced the 3rd one. My 6th one replaced the 209 I tried replacing my 3rd 2209 with.
  10. Is this the 209 or 2209? If you've been using this drive fine and it suddenly started acting up, the problem is most likely the drive. How long have you been using it? My general experience with the 2209 is it lasts about 2 years before it needs replacing. Plus, if you're getting this error on all media you try, the problem is either the drive, its connection, or some Windows problem. Do you have a known BD you burned and verified successfully that you can put in and manually perform a Verify on? You probably can't verify against the contents of an image file as you most likely no longer have the image file that the disc was burned from. But, it can Verify that the contents can be read. If Verify fails on a disc that Verified before, then it's not the media. The problem is the drive, its connection, or some Windows error.
  11. Yeah, just because it can read, i.e. play a DVD, doesn't mean it's write function isn't affected. Generally, write operations will fail in a drive before reads do, due to the nature of the beast.
  12. Try copying the file VTS_01_3.VOB from disc in File Explorer to another location. You don't need to worry about decrypting it unless it's protected by a structural protection scheme. You're just interested in if the file can be read from the disc at all. If the file doesn't copy, the disc is probably damaged and it can't be read. Try on different drives and see if it still can't copy. If it can't, the disc is the problem. If this VOB is in the main movie, you can test the disc by playing the movie in a player and scanning forward at 10x. If it ever gets stuck at scanning, then the disc can't be read and the problem is the disc.
  13. Well, it's always possible you got a bad batch of blanks, but highly unlikely. If you've used this drive for 5 years, it's probably just died on you. The best I've ever had a drive last is 2 years. Since you've never used these Verbatims before, it's probably just a case of the drive not liking that media, which only a firmware update would fix. I say the problem is down to the drive, somehow. Either it's died after 5 years of faithful service or its firmware doesn't like Verbatim MCC media.
  14. I googled the drive string of the burner you're using. It's a slim drive. Slim drives are generally junk. That's probably the problem. You're using Verbatim MCC media, which is the best stuff out there, so it's not that. Could be that drive doesn't like MCC media. A firmware update might fix compatibility with that drive and media. In Write mode, right click on the target drive and choose Check for firmware update. Are these your first 6 attempts to burn with this drive and media? Or have you been able to use it for some time and this issue just started up? If that's the case, the drive might have probably reached the end of its life.
  15. Oh, wow, I didn't notice that. was released way back in 2013, so your version is about 5 or 6 years old. Yeah, you'd better update.
  16. Yeah, I discovered some years ago that that plugin was somewhat problematic. And that was back on like Windows 7. Maybe 8. I eventually removed it/stopped installing it.
  17. Well, the log would still show up USB 2.0 even on USB 3.0 connections. It's a feature limitation in the current version of ImgBurn. It will be fixed in the next release. Even on my USB 3.0 ASUS BD drive, it showed up as USB 2.0.
  18. I looked up the CORRECT model this time. I've used that drive for many years, with a few different copies of it over those years, since it needs replacing about every 11 months. I never encountered a problem with DVD writing. However, you mentioned a new USB cable, which implies you've put that model in an enclosure, since that's an internal drive. Did you mean SATA cable, the internal connection for the internal drive internally? Or did you mean a USB cable because that internal drive is an external enclosure connected by USB?
  19. You might also want to try switching the discs you're using. CMC makes the worst discs out there. It might be you got lucky in your previous discs had no problems but this one did cause a problem. That was my experience with CMC. 50% of them worked and 50% of the 200 disc cake stack failed to either burn or verify.
  20. Oh, sorry. Ignore what I said earlier about your drive's age, etc. I googled the wrong product. I misread the log and thought the target drive was the first one in the list.
  21. That was my experience with the CMC's from Optodisc. About 50 percent of the discs would complete writes (and verifies if applicable) and half would fail to complete burns or verifies. You may want to see if you get the same random failures on the Verbatims. A drive can be bad out of the box. I've had 2 Pioneer BD drives that were that way and 1 LiteOn DVD burner that was.
  22. I wouldn't trust CMC with anything. I spent hundreds of dollars before I learned CMC was the problem with everything I was experiencing. More discs, replaced DVD burners, replaced DVD video recorders. Then, on another forum, I randomly came across CMC being cheap and problematic. When I checked my discs, sure enough, the Optodiscs that used to work and were good were made by Optodisc and all the ones that were failing were CMC because they had switched manufacturers! So, both Optodisc and CMC went on my list. Anyway, I'd still try Verbatims. If you know the known really good stuff doesn't work on your drive, the problem is the drive and probably needs replacing. I looked up your drive. It's not a slim line junk model, so that's not the cause. It does appear to be about 5 years old, so it could be the age. Your drive's firmware may not simply support a newer CMC Pro type of disc. Try updating the firmware of your model. In Write mode, right click on the drive target and choose Check for firmware updates. See if there any.
  23. Are those actual Taiyo Yuden media or cheap knockoffs? TY no longer makes media and it's good name may have been sold to cheap manufacturer CMC. Since I question whether those are legitimate TY media, I'd first try Verbatim DataLife Plus series DVD's and see if your problem goes away. If it doesn't, then your drive probably is the problem. You can only find Verbatim DataLife Plus media online. DON'T get the Life Series you find in stores. They're cheap CMC.
  24. It apparently says "Allocating File Data Storage Area." I had multiple reads, writes, etc. being performed during a Build and the system had become so slow I was able to see the message this time.
  25. Ah, never heard of them. So, they're not standard CD's. They do, however, appear to be DVD's, as I wondered. That page says they're in DVD-5 and DVD-9 formats, which is single layer and dual layer DVD's. Do you need a proprietary player for them? If so, even if you did copy them to DVD+-R DL, there's no guarantee they'll play on your player. Your player would have to support reading recordable DVD discs.
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