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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Actually, Spindle 98319 tell me a lot. I just had to order some Verbatim DataLifePlus DVD+R DL's that I ordered before. They are called Spindle 98319 so they're what you're looking for. Be aware that this type of media used to be made in Singapore but is now made in the United Arab Emirates. This is my first order for the UAE made ones as resellers are charging way too much out of the ass for the remaining stock of Singapores. There were some reviewers who said they had problems with the UAE ones. I won't know until I get them, of course. But be aware of that possibility.
  2. Well, it wouldn't be a pack of CD's. Plus, there was no link to follow to what you found. I'm afraid Spindle 98319 doesn't tell me much. As for silver shiny, etc. that only depends on what kind of label printer you have. If you don't intend to ever print a label on the label side, then it doesn't matter. The actual writable media should still be the same. As long as it's Verbatim Data Life Plus DVD+R DL. Personally, I use the inkjet hub printable ones because I may one day, even though I don't have such a printer now, want to print a label to the surface. I can always write to it with a marker, too. To save money, just go for the branded kind, with the Verbatim logo on them. The printable label surface ones are more expensive so if you never plan on writing a label on them, why bother getting them?
  3. Pioneer drives appear to be pretty good. I've had only one, but it will be 2 years old in January and it's still going when I normally got only about 6 months lifespan out of other drives. The only problem I've had with my Pioneer lately was Saturday when I tried to eject the drive by pressing the drive's eject button. The drive light lit up, drive made noise as it tried to open the tray, but the tray didn't open. I pressed eject again and it did open properly. Ever since then, I've had no manual eject or ImgBurn eject commands not working. So, it may have been a fluke or an indication the drive is starting to go. I'll definitely get another Pioneer Blu-Ray next time.
  4. Why don't DVD players have manual eject holes? The designers of optical burner drives for PC's were smart enough to include them. Because there are times where the drive will simply not open by its own power cycle. I've had at least 1 DVD player where the disc wouldn't eject and using a knife to open the tray destroyed the disc in the tray. Thankfully, it was a rewritable DVD+RW. But imagine if it had been a WORM disc in my collection! Or something I checked out at the library!
  5. Yeah, I've never heard of MBIPG101-R10-65 before so it's probably trash media. You can't trust the name on the package. Verbatim releases good media but only when Mitsubishi makes it for them. They sometimes farm out to CMC, the worst maker out there. So, don't get CMC Verbatim DVD+R DL from a store. Search online for DataLife Plus. Sony used to make their own good DVD-R then farmed them out to Ritek, which isn't as good. Plus, Sony makes 95% junk since 2002. Last Sony optical media I had was a BD-RE that died before its fifth write. I 17:26:02 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MBIPG101-R10-65)
  6. Could be any number of problems with the image itself. Try isolating if it's the image file at fault. You say it's a Blu-Ray movie image file right? Try mounting the image and then drag and drop the virtual drive contents into a Build job. Build should detect it's Blu-Ray video contents and set the appropriate settings for it. Build a new image and try burning that. See if you get the same results.
  7. Can't be the size. Earlier today, I burned a between 6 and 7 GB image file to a BD-R fine. So, you say you've done other Blu-Ray movie image files to BD-R fine? If it does this always on the one image file, regardless of the type of BD-R you use, then it must be the image file has a problem in it somewhere. Other image files burn fine. Without another drive to test it on, you can't rule out if it's the drive that's doing it. Well, the drive is causing the problem, but what causes the drive to do this is the issue. If your drive hangs and you have to cold boot the system, the drive is becoming unresponsive. Why is the issue. LUK will probably have to help you here. Will probably tell you to turn on advanced logging, etc. Also, try updating ImgBurn to You're using at least a 2 year out of date version of the software as was released 2 years ago. See if that helps.
  8. It could just be the drive is giving up the ghost without actually giving up the ghost. I had the first generation of DRU burners from Sony in 2002. When I finally had to replace it, it was because of only one thing. It stopped writing 4x DVD-R at 4x. It would only max write 2x. It had no problems for a year writing 4x to 4x rated media. Then, it just up and stopped writing at 4x. No read errors or verify errors, no burn errors. It just dropped its maximum write speed by half. You said the drive is 2 years old, I believe. My experience has been I think my Pioneer Blu-Ray burner I have may be the first drive I've ever had that will make it to 2 years before I need to replace it. So, I'd have to wonder if it's your drive's age. Plus, there's just the weird behavior of read speeds with LG drives in general. My experience with 2 LG Blu-Ray burners has been they're not very fast readers. They also error out on some discs where the Pioneer doesn't error out on. IMO, LG drives just aren't very good reading discs. Or burners, but that's just my opinion.
  9. For those who wonder, I have some definitive quality proof that Riteks might not necessarily be the discs you should choose. I came across some RITEKG04 so called Grade A DVD-R's that were between 10 and 13 years old. Most of them weren't readable. 3 of them had obvious examples of layer rot. So, there's a reason why you may be having problems if you're using Ritek media.
  10. Oh, wait. I'm sorry. I only looked at the TXT file. Not the .log file. Had I looked at that, I would have seen what I was looking for. Yeah, I was looking for the Disc ID to see if it might have been a lesser quality disc that might be causing the problem. Ritek DVD+R DL cause a lot of problems with people on this board. I had 5 of them. All 5 completed burn and verify, but only 2 of them were still readable 8 years later. As LUK said, try with genuine Verbatim MKM DVD+R DL. They're the best and the only real choice for good DVD+R DL burns. Don't get the Verbatim Life series DVD+R DL you find in stores. Search online for the DataLife Plus type.
  11. Is this just a Verify job or is it a verify after a burn? If it's a burn, post the full log. Actually, that doesn't look like a full log at all. Even if it's just a Verify.
  12. Suppose I have an audio CD that has a data track section on it to store bonus MP3's of things that aren't the tracks on the audio CD and the CD cover art. Is there a way I can just copy the audio CD session from this disc? I ask because the PS3 sees the data track instead of the audio CD track on this disc when I try to play it. I'm guessing there's no way to do this. I would have to say the only way I can copy this CD so that it's an audio CD only is to rip the audio CD tracks to MP3's with Windows Media Player. Then use ImgBurn to create a CUE file from these MP3's? Am I right or is there another way?
  13. Multisession CD's are apparently supported. Which makes sense because sometimes audio CD's have a data track on them. Since it's not possible to just drag and drop an audio CD session's contents to a Build job, they'd have to be supported for making images. But, why aren't multisession DVD and Blu-Ray supported? I am correct in that multisession CD's are supported but multisession DVD's and Blu-Rays aren't, right?
  14. No, it does not necessarily mean the same size will not work on Verbatim, too. Verbatim genuine MKM DataLife Plus series DVD+R DL are simply better quality discs. The size only has something to do with your drive and writing to media. IF the drive is dying or is just picky, then it would matter. But, you won't know until you get some Verbatims and see if it's a disc quality issue.
  15. LUK is right. I failed to notice the size of the image files being burned. The one that failed is much closer to the outer edge of the disc than the one that succeeded. If a burn on DVD+R DL is going to fail, it will usually fail at specific places. Usually at the layer change, right at the start of a burn, right at the end of a burn, right at the start of a verify, or near the inner or outer edge.
  16. Well, without knowing certain things about the source of these image files, it's hard to say. For instance, if you downloaded these images then shame on you and it could mean that some image files are simply just incorrect. If you're reading these images yourself from your own drive, then that's most likely not the case. How old is this drive you're using to burn the images? The problem is probably drive related but what exactly that problem is I couldn't say. It could be the drive is old and dying, which might explain why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. However, that drive also may just not like that brand of Ritek discs. For instance, I had some CMC DVD-R's once. CMC is the worst manufacturer of optical discs. But, out of 200 of them, half of them burned, verified, and played correctly. The other half either failed to complete burns or failed after a successful burn in the verify phase. So, that is most likely down to that drive back then not liking those CMC's. However, the media could be the problem. Lots of people have issues with Ritek DVD+R DL's. I related mine where I had 5 of them and 3 of them were unreadable 8 years later. So, where does that leave us? Off hand, I'd say your drive is probably picky on the Riteks. The thing to try for those is to get your hand of some DataLife Plus MKM Verbatim DVD+R DL's. However, you won't find them in stores so you'll have to search online. Do NOT get the Life series; those are CMC. Get DataLife Plus. Most issues with DVD+R DL failed burns are usually solved when people switch from non-genuine Verbatim DVD+R DL to genuine, MKM DataLife Plus series Verbatim DVD+R DL. So, I'd say start there. IF you still encounter issues, then the problem is either in the image or in the drive. The image is most likely not the culprit, so the drive itself is more culpable. If it had a problem with the Riteks and the Verbatims, then it's most likely the drive needs replacing. Either because it's dying or it's too picky with DVD+R DL media. Most drives don't have problems with MKM's but my Pioneer didn't like them until a firmware update earlier in the year. Speaking of firmware updates, you might want to see if there's a firmware update for your drive. Another go to first diagnosis is to see if a firmware update corrects any issues with media compatibility.
  17. Off hand, I'd lay the blame on the Ritek DVD+R DL discs. I 09:52:28 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) I had 5 Ritek Office Depot DVD+R DL's once. Only 2 of them were still readable after 8 years. Genuine Verbatim's are the only reliable choice for DVD+R DL. Unfortunately, the stuff you find in stores isn't genuine Verbatim. Verbatim farms it out to cheap manufacturers. The only way to get genuine MKM Verbatim DVD+R DL is to order them online. Do a search for DataLife Plus Verbatim DVD+R DL. Most problems we encounter on this board involving errors with DVD+R DL are caused by cheap discs. Once people switch to quality Verbatim, their issues usually disappear. No guarantee, but I'd start there. As to why some burns worked, I'd have to see the Disc ID of one of those discs that burned successfully. See what they are. There's also the simple fact that even cheap media will sometimes burn and verify successfully. But, after a while, they usually won't be readable. Those Ritek's I had burned and verified fine. But they were unreadable after a few years.
  18. Under Help, choose ImgBurn Logs. It will open the folder containing your log file. You'll need to open the file (There was only 1 log file in my folder, with logs dated from yesterday.) and find the burn. I don't know how many logs are retained, if there are more than 1 file, or how far back the log file, if there's only 1 file, goes in terms of days/numbers of burns.
  19. Life Series is Verbatim's cheap ass CMC media. If you bought it in a brick and mortar store, it's Life series and CMC crap. What you'll want is to look for DataLife Plus series DVD's online.
  20. Yeah, most likely the cause is the media. You probably got burns that completed because you were using different media than ones that failed. Or your drive is going bad which can mean it sometimes work okay and sometimes doesn't. As was said, we'd need a log of a bad burn to see what the MID on these discs is and any other errors. Plus, getting the disc info for a disc that burned okay would help, too.
  21. Yeah, last I heard, Sony had retired the Optiarc line. I've never heard of Vinpower Digital before.
  22. Optiarcs are fairly old. They haven't been made in years as far as I know. So, your drive may be the problem.
  23. So, it's not essential to booting the PC? I would hope it's not. IMO, if ESP were necessary to boot the PC, then there would be all kinds of potential problems. A bad sector. Some kind of malware that wipes the partition.
  24. BTW, if you can get stuff sent to you from Amazon.com, here's the link to the Verbatim BD-RE DL I have tested. http://www.amazon.com/Verbatim-Blu-ray-Double-ReWritable-97536/dp/B004Q9YPYI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442890828&sr=8-1&keywords=verbatim+bd-re+dl It's been a year and a half since I got mine, but the one I got worked fine. It was made by Verbatim as I doubt CMC makes BD-RE DL's. Hence why Verbatim also farms out to TDK for BD-RE DL's. Otherwise, they'd farm them out to CMC. So, I doubt these are CMC's now and are still quality Verbatim made ones.
  25. This computer I got a year ago is my first system I've ever had that uses UEFI. There's a partition with the label ESP. Partition Master says this is called the EFI System Partition, which makes ESP make sense. So, what is this partition? And what happens should it become damaged or accidentally deleted? If this partition was gone, would a UEFI PC suddenly stop booting? If there is damage to ESP or if it is deleted, then how can it be repaired? I have this partition imaged so I can recovery from it should anything happen to it, in theory. But, I am curious. Thanks!
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