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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    That article is almost 4 years old, though. It says that as devices and drivers mature, the speeds should improve. By now, that article's information is probably obsolete.
  2. I will try to remember to do such things next time I encounter a read.
  3. I don't think it's RipLock because I've had 2 different LiteOns on this channel that did the same thing. Plus, sometimes, DVD Video on a DVD-5 reads to an image file in like 5 minutes and sometimes 10. However, they were both LiteOns, so it could be a lock across the board on LiteOn. But, there doesn't appear to be RipLock on the USB LiteOn, then, so, that probably can't be the case. Plus, the application can make a difference, too. For instance, I no longer read DVD-9 DVD Video with ImgBurn. I use AnyDVD instead because AnyDVD tends to read them in at a faster rate. A DVD-9 takes about 30 minutes in ImgBurn on the SATA LiteOn. In AnyDVD on the same drive, it takes about 15. For instance, yesterday or the day before, I had an unprotected DVD-5 DVD Video disc that was pressed media. ImgBurn on the SATA LiteOn wanted to take 10 minutes to read it. I inserted it into the USB LiteOn and it read it in in 5 minutes.
  4. Unfortunately, it's not consistent. I insert discs into the SATA drive and check the supported read speeds. Sometimes it's higher than other times. Usually, it's a difference of about twice the speed. And read time tests bear this out. The USB drive is about twice as fast. There's no real reason to it. Sometimes the SATA drive is twice as slow as the USB and sometimes it's not. Plus, the type of source seems to make a difference. For instance, a DVD Video, even when not protected, reads slower than a disc that is just data, even though, technically, a DVD Video disc is just data, too. It makes no real sense, actually.
  5. I've noticed something lately in my Read speeds. I'm getting faster Read speeds on my USB 2.0 LiteOn versus the SATA LiteOn. I've had 2 different SATA LiteOns in the same bay on the same SATA channel and I still get faster Reads on the USB. I would think SATA is faster than USB 2.0, but according to my results, it's not. Am I wrong? It's been like this for about a year now.
  6. I didn't know a Verify was just a Read operation. Good to know! This drive is an older drive. It's ID string returns it as a possible 2009 model. It came new with my Dell in 2011. I never used it. I removed it and replaced it with one I wanted instead. So, it sat in a cool room in my old PC case for 3 years before I opted it in. Only reason I'm using it and not replacing it with something newer is I'm cheap! Plus, I don't want to start trying replacement drive brands until I need to as I no longer trust LiteOn for new drives. If the option is checked, though, a Verify still compares against the image contents, right?
  7. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    BTW, part deux, is USB 3 still slower than SATA? Is eSATA faster than USB 3?
  8. Came across this a week or 2 ago. I had a burn where the Write completed and the Verify passed with no errors. I then right afterward tried Reading that disc to an image file but it failed to Read at the layer break. I wish I had thought about it at the time so I could post an appropriate log section for the actual error. I was just wondering how a disc that passes a burn and a verify can fail at a read. But, I think I remember something else, though, that paired it down to the drive I was using for the Read. I tried Reading the disc in the same drive that burned it and it read it just fine. I just reburned the disc again to test it and it Read file in the LiteOn I was trying to use as the reader before. Even though it's most likely down to the drive, I still find it rather odd that a disc can pass Write and Verify and then fail at a Read. I think it might have even been what convinced me to replace my old Lightscribe LiteOn. But, I don't know if had already replaced it or not before then.
  9. So, I'm guessing DVD Video uses the 1988 standard since DVD Video was introduced around 1996, just before the 1999 standard could be introduced.
  10. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    BTW, what happens when you have a mix of USB 2 and USB 3 devices connected at the same time to a USB 3 bridge? Does it affect the speed of the USB 3 device so it only reads/writes at USB 2 because of the connected USB 2 device.
  11. I had an image created by Macrium Reflect of its recovery environment. I edited it with UltraISO to add some folders. When I loaded the image in ImgBurn to burn, I noticed I could edit the ISO9600 label field to have a : and spaces. I thought ISO9660 was no special characters like colons and no spaces, using underscores instead. I also noticed there are apparently 3 different options for ISO9660. The one selected was DOS. Is the ISO9660 for DVD Video images something else that doesn't allow these characters and is therefore different? My only real experience with ISO9660 label fields is for DVD Video and these Macrium Reflect images. I just never tried changing the ISO9660 field before for these Reflect images.
  12. Burned a second Verbatim DVD+R DL in the same drive and it burned and verified fine. So, must have been just the one disc in the stack.
  13. Never came across this error before: I 12:12:48 Finalising Disc... W 12:12:58 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (14%, 0/3) - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:12:58 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:12:58 Retrying (1 of 3)... W 12:13:08 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (10%, 0/3) - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:13:08 Retry Failed - Reason: Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:13:08 Retrying (2 of 3)... W 12:13:11 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (0%, 0/3) - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:13:11 Retry Failed - Reason: Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:13:11 Retrying (3 of 3)... W 12:13:19 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (7%, 0/3) - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In W 12:13:19 Retry Failed - Reason: Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In Could it be something with the drive going bad? It's been over a year now and my LiteOns lasted about a year. This is an LG, though, so, I don't know how long I'll get with one of these. I'll try burning another DVD-9 and see if it's the drive, i.e. if I get this error again. Could be the one disc in the stack, but, I'm still using the Verbatims that worked on Monday.
  14. LUK, this is a dumb question but how is ImgBurn pronounced? ImageBurn or I M G Burn?
  15. i thought just today I saw a use of DID/Disc ID in one of the right window fields in ImgBurn.
  16. I, too, haven't had much luck with overburns. I only ever managed to overburn 1 CD because the MP3 was like 30 seconds longer than the maximum length allowed. That disc plays but I cannot copy it back to an image file. I forget the error. I just kept the MP3 on HD for future to make CD's if I ever need to. I tried like 4 other overburns of DVD's and they all pass write and verifies, but were unreadable afterwards. So, I just gave up on overburning all together.
  17. Sometimes I've seen the manufacturer's string displayed as a Manufacturer ID and sometimes as a Disc ID. Is one term just an older term for the other and is no longer used? Or is there supposed to be one term preferred over the other? Of course, I'm only going by memory, so who knows how long MID might no longer be used.
  18. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    I'd need to check the power cable situation in my PC. I think there's at least 1 free kind of supply that goes to SATA optical drives/hard drives. However, I think I'd need some kind of extension cable to reach it. Unless there are some cables located more the PCI slots. I put a USB 2 card in my 2000 PC for use with USB HD's. I don't think it needed a power cable. But, that was 13 years ago. I guess the USB 3 card needs one to power devices and probably for device charging?
  19. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    You are right. I would have done some price comparisons when I got around to actually getting it. I had just bookmarked the first thing I found in a search. And, even if this project doesn't work, I'm not out much to begin with. I haven't played a PS 1 game for any considerable length of time since before 2006. So, even if I can no longer restore my saved PS 1 games, it's nothing big. What I would try to do, though, is see if the PS 2 can copy PS 1 saves to PS 2 memory cards for temporary storage. Then, I can use CodeBreaker's USB game save method.
  20. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    Don't see why that card wouldn't be like what I have bookmarked to try someday: http://www.eio.com/p-16998-bytecc-bt-pe2s-2-ports-pci-e-serial-card-model-retail.aspx
  21. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    What exactly is molex? The old style power cable that used to connection to PATA type old drives? Edit: I did a search for molex on NewEgg. Looks like molex is what I was thinking of.
  22. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    Actually, you know what? The DexDrive is so old there are no drivers! It's all entirely in the software interface. The DexDrive goes back to like 1997; it's used to read Playstation 1 saved game files from memory cards to PC files and back. It's one of the reasons why the serial to USB doesn't work. The software looks specifically for serial COM ports only. I haven't really looked at the PCI slots since I opened the PC to put in the extra SATA cables and optical drives into the PC back in summer of 2011. Plus, I'm not sure about the power cable situation mentioned in the PC World article.
  23. dbminter

    USB 3 speeds?

    That card looks like it might work. I believe it's the size of my slot not taken up by the graphics card, in a most idiotic design! However, I had wanted to use that slot to install a serial ports card so I can use my old DexDrive again. Inferring it would work on such a setup. It's so old and the software probably doesn't work. I've already tried serial to USB for this device and it doesn't work.
  24. Nope, it's no good. I loaded a different test file and it just displays a blank screen where there should be video. So, while you can edit the file you have to know the EXACT time to start and end, which means using an external app to view it. Too complicated and much work for an application that should do it itself.
  25. Sounds like it might. I've downloaded it and will have it on hand to try the next time I need to... and can think to test with it.
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