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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Could be worse. Someone I told about the new ImgBurn got an installer for the new version, don't know from where, and when they installed it, it was apparently poisoned with all kinds of real malware, not what most people are calling the "malware" associated with the dynamic installer. He said it installed a "pirate game," not sure what he meant by that, deleted all his settings, passwords and logins, and extensions from Chrome, and installed "ad-ware," without saying what the ad-ware was. I've not been able to get any more information, like where he downloaded the installer from that might have added all this stuff to it, as he disappeared from IRC after telling me all this happened when he installed it. One of the reasons why I image my Windows partition every day and run a Differential backup before installing any software. You never know what might happen to Windows.
  2. What I'm surprised at is it's an Imation disc that doesn't use CMC Magenetics! I'd have normally blamed CMC, as every Imation disc I've come across has been a CMC, CD's and DVD's. Your drive most likely doesn't like those Ritek DVD+R DL's. I've used some Ritek DVD+R DL's that were branded from TDK without problem. But, not all Ritek is the same. As was directed in the previous reply, Verbatim is the recommended DVD+R DL choice.
  3. Came across some Memorex floppies I had, so, naturally knowing Memorex's low quality trend, since they outsource to CMC, I decided to copy them to better media. However, they were unreadable and unformattable! So, Memorex and Imation made lousy floppy disks, in addition to their lousy CD's and DVD's.
  4. My personal experience with overburning has been it doesn't appear to work very often. My 1 and only success was an audio CD that was like 1 minute longer than the maximum time length.
  5. dbminter

    CMC CD-R's

    I went through my audio CD collection to see what the MID's were on my CD-R's and copy any non-conformists like CMC or Unknown Verbatims and make new copies of them to more reliable Taiyo Yuden CD-R's. I rag on CMC, but, the CD-R's I'm finding so far are about 10 years old (They're max 12x and 16x.) and they're reading to image files. Albeit, some are reading with slowed down read speeds towards the end. I still don't trust CMC, since they made terrible DVD-R's for Optodisk that wouldn't Verify completely. However, I must admit, I'm surprised these CMC's are still readable. The Verbatim CD-R's are those 45 CD Vinyl's that look like records. They return Unknown for an MID. So, since I know from past experience that Verbatim uses CMC for their CD-R's now, I've been reading and rewriting them, just in case.
  6. Happy to impart what little knowledge I possess that is useful.
  7. Mostly for compatibility with standalone DVD players. I mostly burn movies to DVD. Although, ironically, for DVD-9's, DVD+R DL is what I use because they are, strangely, more compatible with standalone DVD player than DVD-R DL's.
  8. I don't use DVD+R but I do know that these Verbatim Lightscribe DVD-R's are MCC's. I use them all the time. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0014IWVTK/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. Unfortunately, you can't. Anyone can put anything in the MID field. Fake SONY were made for a long time. Same thing with what's on the label. The Memorex label is on their DVD media, but, CMC makes it.
  10. Image burn can handle music CD images, just not Roxio's .GI. It's probably a proprietary format that Roxio owns and, therefore, a license would have to be paid to support the file type in ImgBurn. For music CD images, ImgBurn supports, at least, BIN/CUE and ISO. I think a search for .GI was rejected because it's under the minimum number of characters the board demands you search for. It's idiotic, if you ask me, because what if you need to find something like .GI because you can't! Of course, this is the same board software that wouldn't allow the word "python" in posts without formatting around it at one time!
  11. I would have lay the blame on the manufacturer of the media. CMCMAG is CMC Magentics. 50% of the time, their stuff won't finish writes, so, it doesn't surprise me that their stuff won't finish erasing/formatting either. It could also be that your drive doesn't like CMC BD-RE so it may be down to the drive, but, either way, I'd blame CMC for it. Did you buy these in a store or online? If you bought them in a store, what company label is on the packaging so I'll know to steer clear of them. I've only ever used 3 BD-RE's. 1 Sony which died after 5 writes, typical Sony quality. Several Memorex BD-RE which are made by Ritek. 1 Verbatim which is made by Verbatim/Mitsubishi. Oh, looks like LUK replied at the same time I was replying.
  12. dbminter

    Video Nasties?

    The only Nazisploitation I've ever seen is Ilsa She Wolf Of The SS. About the only use for the picture is if you like copious amounts of female nudity. Hell Of The Living Dead used to completely banned. Now, it's been passed uncut for like the past 11 years.
  13. dbminter

    Video Nasties?

    It had been looking good as some of the Video Nasties were finally being released uncut. Yes, Nazisploitation, like Caligula Reincarnated As Hitler.
  14. dbminter

    Video Nasties?

    Does the BBFC still edit UK home video releases like they did during the days of the Video Nasties?
  15. dbminter

    Confucius Say

    I've no problem with being quoted. It's Confucius who must be sick of it after all this time.
  16. dbminter

    Confucius Say

    Surely after thousands of years, Confucius must be fed up with people claiming they are quoting him all the time.
  17. dbminter

    Confucius Say

    Confucius say, "STOP QUOTING ME!"
  18. dbminter

    9.4 GB media?

    What are you talking about?
  19. It's not just Sony. My Panasonic player does the same thing. Sony has its own myriad problems but this one can't rest squarely on their shoulders.
  20. Of course one can convert a DVD to Blu-Ray using reauthoring software. The point is it shouldn't be necessary! Players should play the content based on what content is on the disc, NOT based on the type of media that is inserted into it. Meaning, if it has a VIDEO_TS folder, play it as a DVD.
  21. dbminter

    PC screws?

    They half did the job. They fit the holes fine, but, the side panel wouldn't fit back into place with some of the screws in place. There are 2 screw holes per side for the optical drives, and with screws in the rear hole, the side panel will slide back into place. With screws in the forward holes, though, the panel will not fit back because the side panel is not flat on the side. It's got ridges and grooves in it. So, I can only have screws in the rear holes. It seems to do the trick, though. The drives don't move too much when the eject buttons are pressed, so, it appears that just the one screw in the rear is enough.
  22. For anyone who is curious, I burned a DVD Video image to a BD-RE to see if it would play as a DVD in a standalone Blu-Ray player. These players do NOT play the DVD. Standalone players apparently check the media type of the disc that is inserted and then perform whatever checks they perform on them based on the media inserted instead of looking for, say, VIDEO_TS, exclusively. The PS3 will play the streams as a Data DVD, but will not play a DVD menu because it does not recognize them as DVD Video discs. My Panasonic player recognized it as a BD-RE but opened up a photo browser interface for it.
  23. I usually pass along the lyrics for some kind of cynical song at Christmas time, because I'm cynical about the holiday. But, I've pretty much run the gamut of those songs that I really know of. So, I've gone a different route this year. One of my favorite Christmas songs, believe it or not, that you've probably never heard of. The Little Blue Bell. Part of me likes to still believe that the lyrics are possible, that a miracle can come along and change things. But, most of me knows it doesn't. At Christmas time in the steeple high, the bells would proudly ring To tell the world of the joy and cheer that Christmas day would bring But, one little bell in the steeple high Could only hang alone and cry No matter how he'd try and try Poor little thing He couldn't ring At all All the other bells in the steeple high saw all his lonely tears And watched him try his best to ring each Christmas through the years But the little blue bell in the steeple tall Just cried when Christmas came to call Oh like I said in spite of all Poor little thing He couldn't ring At all One Christmas eve in the steeple high an angle did appear She smiled and said to the little blue bell, "I've come to dry yours tears." And on that night so the story's told She changed the little blue bell to the purest gold With the richest tone to hold and hold Proud little thing, Just hear him ring
  24. dbminter

    PC screws?

    That link does help a lot. So, 6-32 screws won't fit the hole for an M3 screw that holds an optical drive to the case? Basically, what I'd like to find are thumbscrews that are M3, it seems. I think this may be basically what I'm looking for? http://www.frozencpu.com/products/13513/scr-259/Dimastech_M3_Thread_Thumbscrew_-_10_Pack_BT016.html?tl=g4c157s1266&id=M5Saidgk
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