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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. I've decided to swap out the LiteOn. It's been in use since July 2012. It's been my drive for reading discs to images, for writing LightScribe disc surfaces, and for writing to rewritable DVD's since the LG doesn't write to them properly. And, an LG drive usually lasts about a year before it has to be replaced. It's been like a year and a half now. I had the original drive that came with my Dell in 2011 just sitting around doing nothing. So, I think I'll swap in that drive. I've still got my USB LiteOn that write LightScribe, since NewEgg only has 2 Lightscribe drives. One $99 LiteOn from a reseller of an older drive and a $150 USB Blu-Ray burner. I am guessing Lightscribe drives are going away.
  2. I've also got an issue starting up with my LiteOn SATA drive. A disc was ejected from it after an ImgBurn operation. I tried to remove the disc and the tray started to close on me! I had an eject just now where, after a read, the tray stayed open for a few seconds and then reloaded itself! So, I ejected it again and its stayed open, but the drive makes a funny, barking noise, like gears in the motor that ejects the disc are still spinning. I had a Sony Optiarc that when it ejected discs, it would reload the tray if the tray was jostled in any way, such as vibrations caused by removing discs from it. I replaced that. Think it's time to replace this drive? It's also started to do things like on reads of DVD-9 Video_TS discs, at the layer break, the reads drop down to almost 0 and then start back up again. It didn't do this before and the last time I had a LiteOn that did this, I had to replace it.
  3. I've seen this behavior twice now with the LG Blu-Ray XL burner Info: HL-DT-ST BD-RE WH14NS40 1.01-A1 (SATA) I believe this was a drive you said you couldn't lay your hands on as it wasn't available in the UK. So, you can't test it for yourself to see.
  4. I've noticed this before and I wanted to see if it was expected behavior of ImgBurn/the drive. I've had my drive loading a disc in Read mode and ImgBurn returned the status of the drive as Logical unit in the process of becoming ready. Then, I realized I had the wrong disc in the drive and used the eject button in the ImgBurn interface to eject the disc. However, on eject, the drive immediately reloads the tray. Is this common behavior for a drive in the Logical unit is the process of becoming ready status? I've not tested it on my LiteOn drives. I've only seen this on my LG Blu-Ray burner.
  5. To put the video into context Oompa Loompas are a race of beings who help Willy Wonka make candies in the 1970's movie Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory. The words are parts of the many songs the Oompa Loompas sing within the movie. Those words that appear in the left corner are little quotes and jokes that the program displays on start up. They can be disabled in the settings if you like, but I forget at the moment the setting that turns them off.
  6. Let's change the subject, then. Can anyone recommend a freeware video editor that will edit video like VirtualDub so I can trim out segments of video? I need to save the file in the same audio and video format as the input.
  7. Well, I tried it out with my test file, but it was no go. Got the error: AVI Filter Import error: (Unknown) (80040154) The always helpful Unknown error.
  8. I've downloaded and installed AVISynth. So, I'll try this trick next time I want to edit a Windows codec/H264 or whatever it's called file. I hope I can remember to try it.
  9. I need some freeware utility that will convert Windows codec container files into .AVI or some format that VirtualDub can edit. I need it to convert the source file into a VirtualDub compatible file that will convert without loss of video quality. Can anyone recommend such a thing? Thanks!
  10. On dual layer Blu-Ray video discs, is there a pause in playback at the layer break like there is sometimes on DVD-9 video?
  11. It's good to know. When I got this latest PC 2 years ago, I used the included SATA cable for the HD but swapped in the longer cables from my 2009 PC for the 2 optical drives I wanted to use. I didn't think about it at the time but I might have been using slower cables. So, I was thinking of getting some of the newer cables to have on hand for when I get my next PC. Of course, by then, who knows? SATA may be replaced by something else! I actually still have 2 unopened PATA cables. I got them back when PATA was the standard and wanted some on hand in case I ever needed to replace them. Of course, as the story usually goes, the standard was replaced by another one before I ever even needed to open the PATA cables packaging.
  12. I noticed there are apparently 4 types of SATA cables: SATA, SATA II, III, and VI. So, I was wondering. If I got an SATA VI cable and I didn't have SATA VI, only say II or III, would this cable still work on my SATA connections? Thanks!
  13. I'm also about a year too early! I just now noticed I said in the topic "My 2014 Christmas message."
  14. I remember reading your original post before and the replies. I reread them just now and I don't see anything where I directly contracted what was said before. As LUK said, you can name an image file any name you want, including .ISO, .IMG, and even .BIN. Inside the file, though, the image file contents will still be the necessary image file type for the disc you read in. Apparently, .IMG was a file extension used by CloneDVD or whatever it was. I never used it so I don't think I actually have any .IMG files. Just .ISO and .BIN/.CUE combos.
  15. Lest we forget the real reason for the season, the real reason why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th: Happy birthday, Sol Invictus!
  16. I don't use it but it makes the most sense. An .img would be an image file, which is what a disc would be made from. I think .img is more of a descriptor than anything else. Because ImgBurn defaults to whatever file type is necessary for the disc you're using. Plus, there are other options to consider, like if you have file splitting enabled. Normally a non audio CD disc is saved to an .ISO file. If you have file splitting enabled, you will have files labeled .i00 and .i01 etc. plus some files that tell ImgBurn and other applications in what order those files go, like .DVD. CD's will be saved to .BIN and .CUE files. To be honest, I've never really understood why CD's get saved to a different file format.
  17. I've got this weird problem in my Windows 7 set up. If I have an executable .EXE file highlight folder and I choose New Folder from the toolbar in Windows Explorer, a new folder is created, but the executable also runs. I have to remember to manually unselect the file, say if I copy and paste it somewhere else, before choosing to create a new folder. It's a small but annoying bug that has crept into my Windows 7 setup. Anyone know how I can fix this?
  18. dbminter

    Merry Christmas!

    I normally don't post positive Christmas messages, but: "As Tiny Tim once observed, 'God bless us, every one!'"
  19. I don't understand some of what you're saying. You can't save an image file from a disc to a .WAV file. .WAV files are audio format files like MP3's. .WAV files can be used as input files to make an audio CD in ImgBurn, but that's all. All files also doesn't make sense. You can't save something to a format all files unless it's letting you choose All Files to display a list of all files in the directory target you're trying to save to. Then, you can choose a file to overwite, but you wouldn't want to do that unless you know you're overwriting an existing disc image file format. You don't want to, say, overwrite an .EXE as a program won't run anymore.
  20. I feel so embarrassed about bringing this up now. I should have known that one of those buttons would be highlighted as the default. And that Cancel makes sense. I didn't even remember there was a Cancel button there; that's how bad I feel about it.
  21. I was in the screen to change the volume labels for an image file and was changing the UDF field. I changed the field and pressed Enter. The screen closed like the new label information had been entered but the label was not actually changed. I discovered you have to press OK or Apply for the label changes to take effect. Is this by design? Does just pressing the Enter key actually not change the field? Or is it supposed to and this is a bug?
  22. Why does the speed of a Verify on Layer 1 of DVD+R DL's gradually reduce from the highest point it reached at the end of the Layer 0 Verify? The Write speeds are relatively constant, meaning they go to X speed and generally stay at X speed, with only minor variations. But, the Verify of Layer 1 always gradually slows down. Just curious. Thanks!
  23. dbminter

    Farewell Winamp

    Yeah, I saw this about a week ago on Afterdawn.com. I've probably been using WinAmp for as long as I've been using MP3's. That would be 1997, but I don't know how old WinAmp actually is. I also know that MusicMatch Jukebox was the software I got in 1997 to make MP3's. It was the first software I found where I didn't have to leave Windows and go to DOS to rip CD tracks to WAV's and then go back into Windows to use software to convert the WAV's to MP3's. It was also the first software license I ever bought over the Internet. I used that software until it no longer ran under Windows Vista, after it, too, like WinAmp, had been abandoned. I guess WinAmp can also join Netscape along with MusicMatch in abandoned software I used to use.
  24. Oh, wait. I think I figured it out. I never apparently changed my old Set Default Options Project file. Just my ImgBurn.ibb file. When I load ImgBurn.ibb, it changes the UDF to what I use when I don't make a VIDEO_TS image. But, when I loaded Set Default Options.ibb, it sets the UDF to 1.02. I probably was alternating between loading one or the other .ibb file without realizing it.
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