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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. It happened again! I created a VIDEO_TS job where the Image Options were changed to UDF 1.02. I then loaded my default Project file which sets the UDF to 2.6 or whatever the latest version is. The Labels were reset to their blank default, but, the UDF Image Options were still set to 1.02.
  2. Now the Marco Polo rumor takes an interesting and unexpected turn. The current scuttlebutt is that silent film copies exist of the episodes. Someone recorded them with a camera, apparently, as the episodes aired live during their one and only transmission. To make matters worse, the surviving recorded soundtracks are apparently incomplete, with gaps in the audio. So, matching them up with these kinetoscope copies would cause issues.
  3. Well, I repeated what I outlined above and this time, it changed the options. I tested it several times in a row before and it wasn't changing the Image Options before. Go figure.
  4. Would this be it? FileSystem=4 UDFRevision=5
  5. Here's what happened to me. I have a saved ImgBurn.ibb default that loads whenever ImgBurn starts. I know it at least sets the UDF to the highest version. I created such a job with this Project and then created a VIDEO_TS DVD Video. ImgBurn set the UDF to 1.02, I think it is, and whatever Image Options that need to be changed to get a VIDEO_TS compliant disc. Then, I used Load to load ImgBurn.ibb after that to reset my options to the defaults I use on start, but the Image Options stayed at the VIDEO_TS Project options.
  6. In fact, I just now noticed that if you Load a Project, the changed Image Options are not set to the options in the loaded saved Project.
  7. I've noticed that if you change the Image Options in a Project and then select New Disc in Build mode, the Image Options are not changed from the last Project. I've also noticed that if you use New Project, the previous Project's Image Options are used. Should there be some kind of resetting of these Image Options to the default that is used when ImgBurn first loads?
  8. I had to chronicle my idea while I still had it. Otherwise, I'd have most likely forgotten it by Christmas time.
  9. About every year, I've made some kind of Christmas song quote. This year, I decided to come up with a poem for a Christmas card: Wishing you a merry Christmas I hope this card finds you well Now if you would just leave me alone And kindly go to Hell
  10. I clicked on this post because I saw your name attached to it and I hadn't heard from you in quite a while. As for the topic, sorry, can't help you there.
  11. I was wondering about when Writes complete but their Verifies fail. Why does this occur, actually? I mean, why would it successfully make a particular block of data written to a disc that doesn't cause ImgBurn to fail but when it Verifies that block of written data, it fails? Is it because there's no actual "verification" process of writes by drives? Meaning the drive just writes and ImgBurn only fails if the drive fails to write catastrophically to a drive? Like if the target media is defective and can't be written to for whatever reason? I ask because I've noticed because, naturally Verify fails occur after a full Write process completes. Because, how could a Verify start if an actual Write process failed. Only on a few occasions, when the drive was actually failing, did ImgBurn stop writing to a disc. So, sometimes, the drive would fail a Write but more often than not a failing drive would exhibit that it writes to media but only fails during the Verify process.
  12. The latest batch of recovered episodes rumors is now centered on The Wheel In Space, it seems. Of course, some of these same rumors claim that Web Of Fear episode 3 is found, 4 episodes of The Dalek Master Plan, Marco Polo, and The Tenth Planet episode 4 have all been recovered.
  13. I was thinking about it and a question occurred to me. When ImgBurn Quick Erases a rewritable disc, it basically just deletes the TOC, right? So the disc can be reused. But, the data is still actually present on the disc, right? So, can a Quick Erased rewritable disc be undeleted? Can the contents be recovered from the disc as long as no other writes are made to the disc after a Quick Erase is performed? Can a deleted TOC be recovered? And, if it can't, does that make the data on the disc inaccessible? Or are there methods of recovering the data, but they're just not easy?
  14. The latest update on the Doctor Who Archive is that the Dalek Master Plan was found. This is just wishful thinking, though, because they say The Feast Of Steven was recovered. This is impossible as this episode was never copied to film or tape before the master copy was wiped. It was never offered to Australia, the only country that ever received copies of the serial, and that was viewing copies, the fate of which is unknown. Macro Polo returning, though, has a higher likelihood. That story was included in the original rumors that claimed that Enemy Of The World and The Web Of Fear had been recovered. So, it seems if any recovered episodes remain, they would be from Marco Polo.
  15. I checked it out and it looks like what I asked for is already there, as pointed out!
  16. Could be. Looks like it might be what I'm looking for. I'll have to try it out. Thanks!
  17. Can we get a setting in the options or on the layer break select screen to remember the choice being used? I can't think of a single instance in years where I've needed a layer break that wasn't seamless. I'm always setting the seamless layer break option, so, to not have to do this every time would be a time saver. I'm probably the only person who ever would want this but who knows? Maybe others might want it that might reply to back me up?
  18. Found one more link: http://doctorwhoarchive.com/2013/10/28/latest-missing-episodes-rumours/ This seems to be more of a wishful thinking post than actual facts, though. Mostly a collection of unsubstantiated rumors. I'd not heard them before.
  19. No proof at all. Just a post on Kasterborous.com. That's the nature of the beast. There was no proof that The Enemy Of The World and The Web Of Fear had been recovered, but lots of missing episodes recovered rumors. http://www.kasterborous.com/2013/10/another-missing-doctor-episode-due-unveiled/ Apparently, the current buzzing rumors center around Marco Polo. Of course, the past rumors claimed all 106 missing episodes had been recovered from Nigeria, including one episode, The Feast Of Steven, that was never offered for overseas sales.
  20. And now there's a rumor that there's one more missing episode recovered to be unveiled in mid November, in time for the 50th anniversary of the series premiere.
  21. Who needs a 52 inch monitor?! Again, I say use USB adapters. They made an HDMI one for my old VGA/SVGA monitor when I got my last computer. It enabled me to keep using my old monitor, which works fine for me. Well, I'm guessing it's HDMI. I'm not entirely sure what connection it is. Anyway, I still say they can make USB standardized connections and then sell adapters to fit new technology. But, they won't to keep, as I keep saying to enable steady income streams.
  22. When ImgBurn starts and AnyDVD is resident, I started getting the alert W 19:32:43 AnyDVD can interfere with ImgBurn's ability to verify accurately, please ensure it's disabled! to appear twice in the log, one line right after the other. It stopped doing that now, but, for a few days, I had it happening. Just passing it along.
  23. Actually, the watercooling isn't as invalid a point as I initially dismissed it as. So, PC's can still have traditional graphics cards inside them. You'd still need to crack open the case and swap out a card if you wanted a new one, but my initial point can still be valid. Make the connection cable from the monitor to the card a USB connection. Change the graphics card so that the monitor input is a USB connection. If they standardized monitor cables as USB, then when new monitor type technology came out and a new monitor is needed, you could change the graphics card, if needed/desired, and still use a standard USB connection to the monitor. Again, though, it'll never happen because why should they do that when they can force you to buy a whole new PC just to support a new monitor standard? It keeps a guaranteed steady income stream flowing.
  24. My graphics card isn't liquid cooled and it runs fine.
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