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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Reset the BIOS again, burned again, Verify crapped out with Logical Block Address out of range. This was on the Dell, though, which I'm not surprised it did at.
  2. Well, got my PC back from Best Buy. As I predicted, nothing untoward happened when they checked it out! The only thing out of the ordindary was they tested a burn with Windows Image Burner and it appeared to be stuck infinitely at the end of its verify. So, I got the PC back home and they had given me a CMC MAG crap disc to test burn with. It Verified fine, BUT it was stuck at 8x max writing on a 16x media that ImgBurn said was inserted and the drive is a 16x DVD-R rated drive. So, I tried burning with one of my Verbatims; it, too, is capped out at 8x! BUT, it did Verify without error. I am using the same image I had tested and it had failed before taking the PC into Best Buy. They even used ImgBurn and the same test image I had been using and couldn't get an LCE-Uncorrectable error or Logical Block Address error on Verfiy on their crap CMC MAG discs. So, I don't know what's up. The drives now appear to work, but, are capped at 8x maximum writes. I'm going to swap in the 32 bit machine and see if the situation improves. If it does, then, it's this Dell and Dell is company. It will have to be replaced.
  3. Yeah, I restored to factory default and got beyond 8x write speed, but, got an LCE-Uncorrectable error on Verify, which was the error was getting last week. Consider me off the grid while my PC is at Best Buy.
  4. I got a 2 year extended warranty on this thing from Best Buy, so, I'll take it into Geek Squad and tell them to check out the mobo, SATA connections, and the SATA cables, while telling them the drives are maxed out at 8x on 16x rated max writers, both from the same manufacturer, whereas the USB burner from the same manufacturer doesn't have this problem. Which seems to limit the issue directly to SATA.
  5. I reset the BIOS settings again, but, it's still locked at 8x. And the Verifies fail for the same reason. So, there's a problem with the SATA connections again! And now I can't fix it. Well, I think Dell is on my shit list now, joining HP/Compaq, Memorex, CMC, and Sony.
  6. Verifies failed again! I 16:54:50 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 1966335) W 16:54:51 Failed to Read Sectors 16580608 - 16580639 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range W 16:54:51 Failed to Read Sector 16580608 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range W 16:54:54 Retrying (1)... W 16:54:54 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range W 16:54:57 Failed to Read Sector 16580608 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range W 16:54:57 Failed to Read Sector 16580609 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range E 16:54:58 Failed to Read Sector 16580609 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range E 16:54:58 Failed to Verify Sectors!
  7. GREAT! Now my drives are maxed out at 8x on 16x max rated Verbatim MCC DVD-R!
  8. Oh, great! NOW NewEgg,com offers me 15% off all Blu-Ray drives!
  9. Well, I've gotten my Blu-Ray drive and put it in, updated the firmware, and changed the drive letter to my specifications. Now, what I need to know are who are the manufacturers of quality BD-RE and BD-R discs? Locally, the only BD-R I think you can find is Memorex, which is probably CMC. There's one Sony BD-RE at Staples, so, it's probably a Ritek. There are also Memorex BD-RE's, but, again, they are probably CMC. So, I'll need recommendations for quality BD-R and BD-RE discs to get online. Thanks!
  10. I've burned 8 8x DVD+RW burns so far without a problem. I should get my DVD-R's by Saturday, so, I've got some more burns to make from temporary rewritables storage to them. I've also taken the dip into the Blu-Ray burner pool! NewEgg had a LiteOn for $59.99 with $5 off from $64.99 and with free 3 day shipping.
  11. The e-mail link is: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=20104&view=getnewpost but it loaded this: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.phpshowtopic=20104&st=40?do=findComment&comment=141765 I should say, these links are in the e-mail I received to notify me of your last post above.
  12. Just burned an 8x DVD+RW that completed its Verify and didn't destroy the disc, so, that's good news. I believe whatever was happening caused the drive to physically destroy the DVD-R's and DVD+RW's that were failing. Hence the large red areas on the PIPO scans. I won't know until I can burn several in a row. That won't be until I can order them on the 26th, which will take about a week to arrive.
  13. Yes, in fact, BIOS updates are the only real updates that aren't over a year old for this machine. I bookmark the updates site for new updates to visit on the 2nd of every month. Yes, the SATA controller was still in AHCI mode. I didn't know anything about that setting, so, I left it alone! Got a 404 error trying to view the thread update in the e-mail. The link was: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.phpshowtopic=20104&st=40#entry141751
  14. Sometimes, I learn from my mistakes. Like when I had a tech look at some problems in 2010. He fixed it by resetting the BIOS to defaults and swapping around the SATA cables on the drives. Someone here had told me, also, to reset my BIOS settings for a similar issue, but, I didn't do it. So, this time, I tried learning from my mistakes and tried resetting the BIOS since it was another SATA issue, like in 2010.
  15. My PS 3 is another room from where my PC is. So, I don't know how well, if at all, I could set it up for a network.
  16. Took just under 10 minutes to do the read. Which is comparable to what the USB drive did. So, once I get those Verbs, I'll know for sure.
  17. Well, I went into my BIOS settings and used the F9 to reset to load optimized defaults. Right now I've got an 10x read 4 minutes 30 seconds into reading the disc. This is looking good! I'll know more when I get in some more of those Verbatims and try them out.
  18. Well, that didn't work; like I fucking expected it to work! It's a hardware issue. Either the mobo or the SATA cable. And, I'm not about to crack open the case yet again, remove the video card to get at the SATA cables, and try swapping those out. On June 1 and after, I got high read speeds on the SATA drives. Restoring to June 1 did NOTHING to fix the problem, so, it's nothing I can fix. I'm invested in this Dell for 2 years, at least, so, I'll just have to use my USB drive as my burner and reader.
  19. There's definitely something up with my SATA drives. Read rates in both SATA Lite-Ons are between 2x to 5x max whereas on the USB Lite-On, I'm getting about 10x max. So, I'm going to restore the June 1st backup and see if that improves my SATA experience at the moment.
  20. Also discovered something else about Lite-Ons. Like with 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW does not immediately start at 6x. It starts at 4x for like 2 minutes then jumps up to 6x to finish the burn. Funny thing I got a maximum write rate of 6.2x! I've gotten things like 8.1x on 8x DVD+RW, but, I don't think I've ever gotten a .2 on a max rated write rate.
  21. It was the particular images I was trying to scan. It must be the reflective material that was on the image. But, for whatever reason, it wasn't too bright UNTIL I moved the focus of the scan to set a smaller field for scanning. I don't understand it, though, as my Rhino Transformers boxed sets are also made of a reflective material and they scanned fine. Weird.
  22. Actually, just sussed out the scanner issue. For whatever fucking reason, it only happens on ONE particular image I was trying to scan. I scanned what I had previously scanned last week and it scanned fine. But, whenever I try to get that one particular image scanned, it happens. Still doesn't fix my SATA problem, but, I can live with just using the USB burner.
  23. Well, now it's the USB scanners that are acting up! VueScan previews correctly until you resize the scanning field. Then, the brightness shoots up to intolerable levels. This happens on both of my scanners, even after restoring Windows to an image where the scanners worked. I even disconnected them from the USB hub and plugged them directly into the USB ports on the case. So, I'll swap back in the 32 bit machne I replaced with this Dell and see how it goes. To be honest, I'm not satisfied with this Dell. Yes, it's 64 bit, but, working inside the case is a chore! You have to remove the graphics card to access the SATA ports on the mobo. Yes, I can boot from flash drives, but the bezel makes installing DVD drives a chore! You can't easily access the eject holes and you can't see the lights on the drive. I'd rather have something that works and go backwards than go forward with this! This, of course, is all dependent on whether swapping back in the 32 bit machine fixes the scanner and SATA drives ruining discs.
  24. Just burned one of these Ricoh 8x DVD+RW in the USB LiteOn before trying to burn it in the SATA 2012 LiteOn. No Verify crap out. So, there's something up with my SATA drives. I'll just stick to using the USB drive, then. It's easier.
  25. No, something IS up. I had a 2nd disc burned in the new SATA burner crap out at the start of a Verify. So, it's not writing to discs correctly, it seems. Thus, it ruins them and even the USB drive can't write to them.
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