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Posts posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Hi Kev - I wish I could wax as lyrical as the guys above, it was much simpler for me. IE6 started randomly crashing when viewing pages, I did virus check after check with different progs and found nothing.


    I tried the MS support pages and found similar problems but nothing to fix the problem. I mailed MS and was told that to fix their browser I would have to pay !!!


    So a while back I asked on the DVDD forum for advice and lmao2k put me onto Firefox and I have never looked back. Its miles better and nicer to use than IE6, I like the tabbed browsing, much tidier than lots of seperate instances of IE being open, it blocks pop ups and you can get new themes etc easily from the homepage.


    I still have IE6 installed for the updates for the PC but thats all I use it for now !


    Give it a go mate...... :thumbup:

  2. My mate did that at Tiny PC's when one he bought went to shite !! He tried for ages to get them to refund his money on a 3 month old PC rather than botch repair all the time.


    In the end he was so pissed off he printed up leaflets and stood at the entrance to the store handing them out to their customers, the leaflet detailed all the botched repairs and failure to refund his money, inc quotes from their customer service department...... 20 minutes later after the local news interviewing him he had his full refund and an apology ! :P

  3. http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/80850/holograp...-next-year.html


    Well I hadn't heard of these discs until I read this at lunch today.....


    Holographic discs set for retail next year


    The first holographic storage systems, storing up to 300GB on a single disc, will go on sale towards the end of 2006.

    InPhase Technologies and Hitachi are jointly developing the technology, which uses laser light interference to store data in a light-sensitive crystal material.


    The technique could be developed to store up to 1.6 Terabytes on each disc - more than 300 times the capacity of a conventional DVD - and offer read and write speeds of up to 120Mbits/sec.


    'Unlike other technologies, that record one data bit at a time, holography allows a million bits of data to be written and read in parallel with a single flash of light,' Liz Murphy, of InPhase Technologies, told New Scientist. 'This enables transfer rates significantly higher than current optical storage devices.'


    The high transfer speed enables the playback of broadcast-quality HDTV content, of which 26 hours can be stored on a single disc.


    'We believe the capacity and data rates of holographic storage will be critical to achieving the breakthrough improvements in work flow and cost reduction that the broadcast industry is seeking,' said Nelson Diaz, InPhase's CEO.


    Holographic storage works by splitting light from a single laser beam into two: the signal beam to carry the data and the reference beam. The hologram is formed where these two beams intersect causing a chemical reaction in the recording medium. By varying the reference beam angle, wavelength, or media position many different holograms can be recorded in the same volume of material.

  4. My wife and I love taking stuff back - most of the time its zero hassle for a refund or replacement - but every now and then you get some prick who things he is a lawyer and then its war !!! ha ha

  5. Ha ha I had forgotten that db !!! She was rough tho..... I was waiting for her to do the ping pong ball trick on live tv - that might have made her more popular !! ha ha

  6. I used to recommend the G05's as they had always worked great for me, however out of the last 100 I ordered I had 25 straight fails then a couple of good ones and then back to crap.


    This was also confirmed by a couple of others here. Since then I have been using the more expensive but definitely better Taiyo Yuden dye 8x DVD-R. Not a bad burn or failed verify so far.....

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