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Posts posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Shut it kirk or else I will shove your head up jmets ass (check the pic that blu refers to !!!), altho we might never see you again !! =))


    :wub: you jill !!!

  2. Our kids has the Gameboy Advance SP. Our youngest still plays his loads, battery life is very good on the inbuilt batteries even with the backlight - lasted more than long enough for the trip to Florida in the summer. Couple of hours to charge the battery and off you go again !


    Multi Game carts ? My daughter has Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo on one cart is that what you mean snazz ? Official release nothing hacked and again they play fine. The games are pretty good actually altho not a patch on our eldests PSP games :thumbup: Anything else let me know mate....

  3. Mmmm - yes please Maritimer ! :lick: Btw Kev - I am still decorating our bedroom, plastering and painting is almost all done now, fitted new lights and sockets etc and ordered the carpet. Once thats down I then just need to build the wardrobes !!! ha ha


    Thats why I ain't been around much.....

  4. Me hear through grape vine Blu got ripped like a DVD and his ass in in an ISO :lol:


    Yea Blu I got a little something from a certain someone :ph34r:


    I hear lfc is next on the hit list :whistling:


    You are all my friends, I choose to keep you that way and not make enemies so for that reason no more music links. :thumbup:


    I haven't had my ass ripped by rottweiller Jill !!! =)) Oh and thank fuck for that - the ImgBurn forum no longer polluted by C&W bollocks...... :lol:

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