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Everything posted by gonwk

  1. Hello All, I know it is kinda late ... but better late than never ... 1st of all HAPPY, HAPPY B'Day to Loco. Also, Loco is that your Girlfriend!?!? BTW, so this is where you folks have been hanging around. I would have never come here unless I hadn't clicked on Loco's ImgBurn link in DVF. Glad to see all of the old Trouble-Makers around! G!
  2. Hi LUK! I did NOT mean to sound "Unappreciative" of your GREAT Program ... I really LOVE it ... I would not know what to do If I did not have your other Program Dxxx and ImgBurn now ... I only burn witrh ImgBurn and nothing else ... even though I have other programs. THANKS A BUNCH for your Hard Work! Gonwk!
  3. Hi Corn, I just installed the 2.0 and I am happy ... it is just I was intimidated by all the bells and whistles ... and more info ... so I wanted to cover my bases and have my 1.3 handy if in case I wanted to go back to the bare bone ver. FYI, I am staying with Thanks! G!
  4. Hi folks, I searched the entire forum and unfortunately could nto find my answer ... so!!!! Is there someplace in this forum that keeps the Older Verion(s) of ImgBurn program? For example copy of version? Thanks! G!
  5. gonwk

    NEC 3550 VS BenQ 1650

    Hi guys, Thanks for your answers Rippraff, Flawless & Chewy. Rippraff, I will try your suggestion and turn on my SB even for "Known Media" and I will try to back-up one one of my dvd's at 8X! THANKS! Just out of curiosity ... Flawless, have you ever burned the same media at 4X to see if you get the same thing. Chewey, on Capote ... you mean the special protection it gets transferred even to your backed-up dvd? Gonwk!
  6. gonwk


    Hi, What do you mean by "bollocks" here ... I hope it does not mean they are BAD!!! Q1: By the way I am considering buying me a second Burner ... whta do you folks recommend ... between a BenQ, NEC, or ... ? And the Model number that you prefer! The reason I am considering getting a second burner is because my BenQ 1640 has been turning out some bad scans of my Taiyo Yuden TYG02 8X -R ... one of my recent burns won't play back at the end on my Samsung CD/DVDR in my computer ... that's how I test my DVD back-up quality besides running a NERO CD/DVD Scan test. Q2: Anyone would like to take a stab at guessing why my BenQ 1640 is acting up? I make all my burns at 4X. FYI, I have backed up some 2100+ dvds and 1500+ cds ... so!!!! Thanks!
  7. gonwk

    NEC 3550 VS BenQ 1650

    Hi folks, Corn, I have a BenQ 1640 also with BSOB firmware. I also have installed QSuite 2.1 and I use it on Default settings. I have been religiously using Taiyo Yuden TYG02 (8X) media for my bunrs. My experience is if I burn at 4X I get for sure a good burn and a "Playable" dvd. Sometimes when I get gutsy and I burn at 8X to save TIME (about 8 minutes vs 15 minutes) I tend to see some "Skipping" or "Pausing" on very very few of my dvd burns. And no, my back-ups are perfect and there is no problem with the ISO image ... since I spot check them with playing back on DVD Shrink to verify if my pasuing or skippage was caused from my Original back-up. So, does anyone have any comments or suggestions to my delimma IF I want to burn a supposedly "topnotch" quality media at the it's 8X rated speed? Thanks!
  8. gonwk


    Hi folks, I have been religiously using Taiyo Yuden (TYG02) DVD-R 8X for the past several months ... I am pretty happy with them. I am using a BenQ DW1640 burner with Firmware BSOB and using QSuite at Recomended settings (WOPC on, Overspeed off, ...) and I have been Burning at 4X. As long as I burn at 4X ... I get 95 to 100% when I run NERO's CD-DVD Scan. Last few days I started burning the same Medias at 8X both with WOPC on and WOPC off ... and I am experiencing some skipping of the movies in playback in just few of my backed-up dvds. Q1: Is this Normal? FYI: Same media when I turn the OverSpeed on, and WOPC off in QSuite ... ImgBurn sees the DVDs speed as high as 16X (go figure!?!?!?). But I don't DARE to burn faster than 8X ... so I don't get a coaster! Q2: Since I have seen some articles indicating that DVD+R balnks are "Superior" to DVD-Rs ... I was wondering if there is in fact any truth to it? Assuming that I use Taiyo Yuden, and 8X speed, and use BenQ1640 for burning AND palyback Compatibility is not an issue for me ... ONLY DVD's QUALITY and BURN RESULTS at higher speed of 8X versus 4X is my concern ... which media would you recommend ... + or -R? Thanks!
  9. Hi LUK, THANK YOU so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to respond. OK, I will run the infinst program and I will use ImgBurn for all the burns. Gonwk!
  10. Hi folks, I found that I have INTEL 82875P Chipset ... I also went to Intel download site but all I found is a download for an INF file to let my chipset to be configured for USB something ... I even called Dell and I downloaded and installed "R58201.Exe" evidently to upgrade my Chipset. I am not usre If I want to run the "infinst_autol.exe" ... becuase I am not usre what the heck will do to my computer ... since I am not versed in computer hardware or software. So, now couple of Q's for LUK ... Q1: can I just run your ImgBurn and IGNORE the "W" that I am getting? would I be just fine? Q2: To me I don't see any difference between my DVDDecrypter Burn program and ImgBurn ... so Can I just use DVDD to burn my DVDs? Thanks ... G.
  11. Hi DMoore, Do you happen to have DVDDecrypter on your computer? If so, try burning one of your CMC (Memorex or whatever) using the DVDDecrypter in ISO Write mode. And PLEASE do not use or enable the MKISOFS utility. Now, I am almost sure that your burn will be just FINE. Let me know, please! Gonwk!
  12. Hi LUK, Thanks for your help. Q1: I found my Manufacturer ... it is INTEL ... but there are 5 or 6 entries ... which one do I telll the computer to Update? Q2: Sinc eI don't feel comfortable with the Step in Q1 ... can I leave everything as is ... since my system is working OK .... I don't care if I get a Warning as long as the Final product is A-OK and the DVD back-up plays OK. Q3: I have noticed that my "AutoRun/Play" function has stopped once I added my BenQ to Primary position and moved my Samsung DVD/CDRW which was DELL OEM to Secondary position! I personally did NOT do anything (at least I Think So!?!?!?). ... Sooooo! Thanks again for all of your help. G.
  13. Sorrry! In my haste to get the darn thing posted ... I wasn't sure what would be the best place to post my problem! Won't happen again. THANKS!
  14. Hi Lightening UK, First of all THANK YOU, THANK YOU for DVDD and now ImgBurn. I was hesitant to change to ImgBurn also ... but I just downloaded your V1.2.0.0 and installed it on my computer ... it works fine ... but when I was backing-up my own dvd I noticed that ImgBurn gave me a "WARNING" ... but my burn was completed A-OK and my back-up DVD plays back OK. I tried the back-up with DVDD and I did NOT get any Warnings. Could you shed any light on my issue ... I am attaching my LOG FILE from ImgBurn ... Plus where the heck do I get the IDE Drivers is asking for? THANKS! I 12:32:34 ImgBurn Version started! I 12:32:34 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 12:32:34 Initialising SPTI... I 12:32:34 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 12:32:34 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW and 1 DVD?RW! I 12:32:58 Operation Started! I 12:32:58 Source File: E:\1\REMEMBER_THE_TITANS.ISO I 12:32:58 Source File Sectors: 2,054,763 (MODE1/2048) I 12:32:58 Source File Size: 4,208,154,624 bytes I 12:32:58 Source File Implementation Identifier: DVD Shrink I 12:32:58 Destination Device: [1:0:0] BENQ DVD DD DW1640 BSOB (D:) (ATA) I 12:32:58 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: TYG02) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 8x) I 12:32:58 Destination Media Sectors: 2,298,496 I 12:32:58 Write Mode: DVD I 12:32:58 Write Type: DAO I 12:32:58 Write Speed: 4x I 12:32:58 Link Size: Auto I 12:32:58 Test Mode: No I 12:32:58 BURN-Proof: Enabled W 12:32:58 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Not Supported! - Update your motherboard / IDE drivers!!! I 12:32:58 Filling Buffer... I 12:32:59 Writing LeadIn... I 12:33:08 Writing Image... I 12:46:23 Synchronising Cache... I 12:47:03 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:14:04 I 12:47:03 Average Write Rate: 5,175 KB/s (3.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,594 KB/s (4.0x)
  15. Hi Lightening UK, First of all THANK YOU, THANK YOU for DVDD and now ImgBurn. I was hesitant to change to ImgBurn also ... but I just downloaded your V1.2.0.0 and installed it on my computer ... it works fine ... but when I was backing-up my own dvd I noticed that ImgBurn gave me a "WARNING" ... but my burn was completed A-OK and my back-up DVD plays back OK. I tried the back-up with DVDD and I did NOT get any Warnings. Could you shed any light on my issue ... I am attaching my LOG FILE from ImgBurn ... Plus where the heck do I get the IDE Drivers is asking for? THANKS! I 12:32:34 ImgBurn Version started! I 12:32:34 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 12:32:34 Initialising SPTI... I 12:32:34 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 12:32:34 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW and 1 DVD?RW! I 12:32:58 Operation Started! I 12:32:58 Source File: E:\1\REMEMBER_THE_TITANS.ISO I 12:32:58 Source File Sectors: 2,054,763 (MODE1/2048) I 12:32:58 Source File Size: 4,208,154,624 bytes I 12:32:58 Source File Implementation Identifier: DVD Shrink I 12:32:58 Destination Device: [1:0:0] BENQ DVD DD DW1640 BSOB (D:) (ATA) I 12:32:58 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: TYG02) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 8x) I 12:32:58 Destination Media Sectors: 2,298,496 I 12:32:58 Write Mode: DVD I 12:32:58 Write Type: DAO I 12:32:58 Write Speed: 4x I 12:32:58 Link Size: Auto I 12:32:58 Test Mode: No I 12:32:58 BURN-Proof: Enabled W 12:32:58 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Not Supported! - Update your motherboard / IDE drivers!!! I 12:32:58 Filling Buffer... I 12:32:59 Writing LeadIn... I 12:33:08 Writing Image... I 12:46:23 Synchronising Cache... I 12:47:03 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:14:04 I 12:47:03 Average Write Rate: 5,175 KB/s (3.7x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,594 KB/s (4.0x)
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